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on 6/12/15 3:55 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: LOOKING for some people going through similar

Thanks Daniel! For some reason I never think of Shoppers, I'll definitely be on the lookout for their flyer now. I did see Dr. Zentner again yesterday, and she mentioned a shake for pre-op that I haven't heard of before, it's called Slim Time and must be ordered online. Perhaps I'll buy some of that too just to mix it up when it comes time for pre-op.

Kim :)

on 6/12/15 3:48 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Potential Surgery Date!!!! HOORAY

So so excited for you! This is wonderful news. All the waiting will pay off - your turn is just around the corner now. Best of luck with the pre-op and keep us up to date on your progress!


on 6/11/15 9:51 am
Topic: RE: Things got a bit more real today

which new clinic are talking about.  There is one in Richmond and the Victoria one.  I am on the list in Richmond, wait time is 2 years

on 6/10/15 8:30 am
Topic: RE: Potential Surgery Date!!!! HOORAY

Congratulations. It is awesome to hear how your journey has progressed. I did my orientation in May and have finished the bloodwork, ecg, and sleep test. Now it is just a waiting game for me. 

I am very excited for you and hope you will keep us posted over the next two months. 



on 6/10/15 8:27 am
Topic: RE: LOOKING for some people going through similar

Hi Kim 


i have been been shopping around and have found that Rexall and Shoppers Drug Mart seem to be the best places to buy Glucerna and Boost Diabetic. The regular price is comparable to Superstore, but every time I go in, there is a sale on one of them for $7.99 per 6 pack. 


Hopefully this will help save you a few dollars. 



on 6/5/15 12:07 am - richmond, Canada
on 6/4/15 9:41 pm - Port Moody (outside Vancouver), Canada
Topic: first Tops meeting tonight

Hi all, I went to my first TOPS meeting tonight. It was fun, we ended with a dance to 'I'm Happy,' which was celebratory and light, compared to other support groups 'I've been to. Also weighed for the first time since my orientation meeting in Victoria. Even with all I've been through in the last few months, I've lost a bit, so I am at 16 lbs lost since my first meeting with Dr. Zentner in September. Feeling motivated! 

I see Dr. Zentner again on the 21st, and Dr Mallick in July for my surgery consult. I hope going to TOPS will help me stay on track and slowly losing in the meantime. The support will be necessary to succeed for sure!


on 6/4/15 4:01 pm - Canada
Topic: Potential Surgery Date!!!! HOORAY

I got a call from Dr. Malik's office on Tuesday I have a potential surgery date of August 12. It was really awesome because I am able to have my consultation with Dr. Malik via the phone on June 10th ( apparently they will do this if you have seen the doctor in the last year. I saw Dr. Malik in March) I have been cleared for surgery but I use the word "potential" only because you never know if Dr. Malik will change the date or something happens that changes my date. I am really hoping nothing happens to change the date. I am so excited but scared at the same time.  It is a journey getting to this point.

on 6/2/15 10:33 pm - Surrey, Canada
Topic: RE: Things got a bit more real today

Last Wednesday I got a call from Dr Amson's office. She asked if I wanted a June 22nd date.  And obiously the answer is a big yes!  So I started my liquid diet, and have been preparing for surgery in just over 3 weeks.  tonight I got home to a message from Dr Amson's office and all she said is that it's about my Jun 22nd appt.... so I'm now worried that it'll be postponed.  I wish I knew what is going on!

When I found out about this new program with Dr Zetner, I emailed CArla and asked her about it.. she said not to worry, I am still at the same spot on the list and since i've been on the list for so long, I don't have to jump through any more hoops.  I don't mind doing it, just will be really pissed if someone else jumps into the list before me..again.

I do know that if you're flexible about your surgeon, you will get in faster.  I can't be flexible becuase of my history of stomach surgery

on 6/2/15 9:37 pm - Nanaimo , Canada
Topic: RE: LOOKING for some people going through similar

Hi. I'm in Nanaimo to. Also seeing Dr A

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