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on 6/25/15 8:02 pm
Topic: RE: waitlist update

It took me 2 weeks for my first appointment, 2 months to get accepted and 2 months after (july 23, 2015) i will be getting my surgery.  I think i got through ao quick because i did the pre-op diet as a test and bugged Carla and Dr. Zentner to see me and showed them how eager i was to get this done.  I am on the pre-op diet now and i must say it is harder the second time around but i am committed.  So my advice is to be relentless.

on 6/23/15 11:10 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Anyone in the Lower Mainland Area?

Does anyone know of a place where I can get a lap band fill?  I had mine done 12 years ago with Dr. Wai Leung in Surrey but he seems to have disappeared and I cannot find anyone in Lower Mainland to do this.  I called one place but they were charging $1000 as opposed to $50 for a fill.

on 6/19/15 7:06 pm - Canada
VSG on 04/27/15
Topic: RE: Helloooooo anybody home..where are all the BC sleevers???

Sorry for the late response. Business trip out of town. A challenge by the way to eat on the road.

Toronto was not far for me. Grew up there and its still home......despite that I lived in BC for last 30+ years now.

Got fed up with the wait. Just didn't want another summer as a whale under a tent.

Money I had. health I did not!

Worth every penny to pay for surgery



Male 55, Initial weight 388#, and 6'1" / surgery weight 360#/Current Weight is 296#

on 6/17/15 7:36 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Orientation in Victoria

Hi, I started seeing Dr. Zentner as a referral from my family doctor last August. Dr. Zentner started me on my weight loss journey walking, no pop, cut back on sugar, low fat...etc. She put in my referral from Dr. Malik in Victoria in October. I continued to see dr. Zentner and losing weight. Then I got the call in January that I was being scheduled to go to the orientation in March, also to see Carla, and first visit with Dr. Malik. Orientation was 2 hours long with about 10 other people. It is facilitated by Carla (lovely lady) then I meet with Carla one on one the next day and we just chatted and she looked over my food diary and we made some long term goals. Then my visit with Dr. Malik he was very direct but kind told me that I needed to continue to work on losing weight and that if I gained the weight back before surgery he would not do my surgery...YIKES. Then I got a requisition to have blood work done, sleep study, EKG and waited. I still continued to see Dr. Zentner monthly. I then got a call from Dr. Malik's office and Carla telling me that I had been cleared for surgery this was in May and they would let me know a surgery date. I got a call at the beginning of June that my surgery is scheduled for August 12th and then I spoke to Sherry Dr. Malik's assistant and she emailed me the Pre and Post Op information and said that she would set up a phone consult with Dr. Malik to save me a trip to Victoria. So I had that last week on Wednesday and he asked me which procedure I would like and why and we discussed that I would like the Gastric Sleeve. He was honest about the dangers of surgery and what can happen. He was also honest about my success being based greatly on my commitment to lifestyle change. I have to go over to Victoria two days earlier because I have to have a consult with the anesthesiologist. I will be doing a protein shake diet for 1 month pre op.  

on 6/17/15 11:20 am - Port Moody (outside Vancouver), Canada
Topic: RE: first Tops meeting tonight

If you are mixed up, call Carla. She's an amazing resource. I've called once or twice, got a bit of support. One thing I've noticed is a lot of us focus on our surgery dates and future meetings. As someone who has major anxiety I've learned to focus on right now; we have no control over what the doctor's are doing but we can ask questions so that need can be met and then pay attention to what we can control, which, if it is about our health, could be any number of small choices we make each day about food, about moving, about self care etc. Hope this doesn't sound preachy! It has helped me to be mindful, maybe it can help you, help others. 

on 6/17/15 11:08 am - Port Moody (outside Vancouver), Canada
Topic: RE: Orientation in Victoria

I should also say that Dr. Zentner has me not drinking pop or fizzy water of any kind and first no sugar in my coffee and then decaf. From all my reading bubbly drinks of any kind are bad for sleeves/pouches and caffeine is too. This has been slow and steady, not cold turkey. I LOVED me some pop so that had been hardest but I'm not drinking it anymore. I can't do black coffee so I am switched to decaf teas (except for weekend mornings!)

on 6/17/15 10:43 am - Port Moody (outside Vancouver), Canada
Topic: RE: Orientation in Victoria

Hello! This was my experience,  other people's will be different. You'll be given blood work requisitions and be referred for sleep tests. Once all that is in, Carla will call you to let you know she is putting through the referral to the surgeon. My appointment with Dr. Malick is in July and then I'll find out a surgery date. Dr. Zentner has not required me to lose weight though she does have me meal tracking and walking, but Dr. Malick might? I've joined TOPS to help with slow and steady weight loss ahead of surgery, and since I don't know Dr. Malick and I've heard he's a bit strict (see other posts here) to show him I'm serious. Do pick up the book Carla refers to in the orientation, it helps. I got it at Chapters. I've done some research now and people with best outcomes start moving and exercise ahead of surgery, have support in place and have meal tracking as part of their routine. Good luck and keep in touch here!

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/15 6:02 pm
Topic: Orientation in Victoria

Hello everyone,

I'll be seeing Carla and Dr. Zetner at the end of July for orientation and then separate meetings the day after. For those of you that have had orientation and meeting with both, please tell me what I can expect. And how long after your meetings did you have surgery? Were you required to lose weight? Thank you!!

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/15 10:27 am
Topic: RE: Potential Surgery Date!!!! HOORAY

Congratulations!! Send you positive vibes for the scheduled date. I will be seeing Carla and Dr. Zetner at the end of July. Hoping to be on the losing side soon.

A friend of mine had surgery with Dr. Malik last November and now she's running 5K and down 88lbs. 

Best of luck to you!!

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/15 10:15 am
Topic: RE: first Tops meeting tonight

Great work!! Keep it up 😊

I've seen Dr. Malik twice before but since the program change I'm feeling a bit mixed up. I'm seeing Carla and Dr. Zetner end of July. Hope you get your surgery date soon. 

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