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on 9/19/15 9:42 am - Canada
Topic: RE: New to forum


i was was on the wait list for the initial orientation for just over two years from my GP referral. The team approach is really impressive and thorough. Before seeing Dr. Nguyen I met with; dietician, occupational therapist, fitness pro... Did tests; blood work, sleep apnea assessment, bone density... I don't have diabetes or anything else that had to be attended to but some people have to. 

What they said at the orientation was that the waiting time from that day to surgery would be 3 - 9 months, different for each person based on "getting ready" and all the preliminary tasks. It's the team as a whole that decides if you are ready or need to do more work first.

To me it seems like the most important things you have to do, besides getting to all the appointments etc., is to be really honest with yourself and the pros to understand how "ready" you are to make serious changes in your lifestyle (exercise and food). Also important is they want you to have or develop serious self-knowledge to have coping and problem solving skills to make the changes permanent. Tons of support and tools on all those issues.

Sorry to ramble! I just walked into it with no idea what to expect. It has been a very supportive, positive, rich experience that even if in the end I didn't end up getting the surgery it still would have been worth it. Be really honest and realistic, take the opportunities to grow as a person and it will be great. Dr. Nguyen and every person that I've had contact with are wonderful and supportive people who care deeply about what they do and sincerely want their patients to succeed!







(deactivated member)
on 9/19/15 8:53 am
Topic: Question for those who have had surgery

Hi, my name is Jan and I think my journey to surgery has begun. I say I think, because I am not certain yet if this is the right choice for me.  My consultation appointment is in a few weeks in Richmond and I am looking forward to learning more and what the process is.  However I do have a question for those who have had surgery. I keep reading about the diet and exercise program that we are to follow so my question is this, if pre-surgery you had followed the diet and exercise program was the need still has great to have the surgery?  I guess what I am asking is the life style that must be adopted post surgery I am wondering if adopting that life style pre-surgery would mean surgery could be avoided. 

I have already begun to change my eating habits and walking more then I ever have before.  It is not easy for sure but there sure are some days I feel like a champion for getting it done.

I am interested to hear your thoughts.

(deactivated member)
on 9/19/15 8:39 am
Topic: RE: Waitlist times for west coast bariatric center

Hi, you mentioned in your post you went on a program and lost 40 pounds.  Which program did you go on?  I have my consultation appointment in a few weeks and trying to get as much knowledge as I can prior to this appointment.


on 9/19/15 6:41 am - Canada
Topic: RE: New to forum

Congrats!  Cant wait to hear how you do.  I am waiting to see Dr long did you wait to see him?

on 9/18/15 5:32 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Surgery Date Oct 7th

It's invite only so if you pm me your fb info I'll friend you to give you an invite into the group 


on 9/18/15 1:36 pm
Topic: RE: Orientation in Victoria

What book does Carla recommend?  Orientation coming up the first week of October 2015 for me

on 9/18/15 1:31 pm
Topic: RE: cheap place to stay in Victoria?

Travelodge? Or anything near the gorge is less expensive, I'm not from Victoria either and also need to book accommodation very soon, for the first week in October for my orientation and nutrition appointment.

on 9/18/15 1:24 pm
Topic: RE: Things got a bit more real today

Did your surgery go as planned? Or did it get bumped to another day?

on 9/18/15 12:25 pm - Canada
Topic: New to forum

Hi, just found this site and joined the BC forum. I live in Vancouver, and am scheduled for VGS surgery on Sept. 22 (four more sleeps!) at Ricmond Hospital with Dr. Nguyen. I'm excited, but not scared. Tried to find out as much as I could about what to expect, and would love to hear from others who are further down the path than me. Advice? Wisdom? Warnings? Good jokes? 

on 9/18/15 7:09 am, edited 9/18/15 7:09 am
Topic: RE: Surgery Date Oct 7th

Could you please share the fb group for wls?

Thx Crystal 

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