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on 11/16/15 7:45 am, edited 11/15/15 11:45 pm - Victoria , Canada
Topic: RE: Newbie looking for support group

Oh darn! I hope you find one or yes start one.....

this forum doesn't seem very active. Maybe check in another one like whichever surgery (just read back and you said sleeve!) you are having and see if people in hour area.


Good luck :)

on 11/16/15 4:52 am
Topic: RE: Newbie looking for support group

Thanks. Yes ive done that. There dont seem to be any official ones. Guess i will start one lol. 


on 11/15/15 11:00 pm - Victoria , Canada
Topic: RE: Newbie looking for support group

Hi and welcome

I am new here too! I only know of the support group that Carla (at jubilee hospital) told me about and it's at jubilee hospital and one at the Vic Gen Hospital. Ask her if she has any contacts upisland? Or check with your GP?

Support is crucial!

Good luck :)


on 11/15/15 10:56 pm - Victoria , Canada
Topic: RE: Newbie

Hi Kim

Thanks so much for replying!! Yes I started my liquid diet on Nov 4....two weeks in and man it is hard! I have basically worked and stayed at home as can't deal with temptations right now.

I'm also feeling nervous!!! I'm sure it's normal to feel this way. I'm so scared but excited for the change. I'm tired of being this way and want my new life!!!

I would love to stay in touch and we can support and guide each other on the process with you being a week ahead of me lol!

talk soon I hope :)

on 11/5/15 3:42 pm
Topic: Newbie looking for support group

Hello there,

I am scheduled for my sleeve surgery for Dec. 16, in Victoria B.C.  I am looking for a support group from somewhere in the malahat to Ladysmith range. 


on 11/3/15 11:36 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Newbie

Congratulations on being so close Catherine!

My sleeve is November 26th in Victoria with Malik and I live in West Vancouver. Have you started the liquid diet yet or would that be tomorrow? I wasn't feeling nervous or apprehensive until I started the pre-op diet. It really is happening and even though I've waited for 4 years, it feels like time is going quickly now. I'd be more than happy to connect with you an navigate through this process together:)

Good luck!


on 10/29/15 12:03 am - Victoria , Canada
Topic: RE: The next step.


Im new here! I live in Victoria and am also looking for suport groups. I start my liquid diet in a few days and then my surgery is the 2nd of dec. I'm excited and terrified all at once!!!!

Would be great to chat more :)


on 10/28/15 12:03 am - Victoria , Canada
Topic: Newbie

Hello all

I looked at this forum a while back and never registered but as my surgery date approaches I realize how much support I need from people who are going through or gone through this!!!

My surgery (Sleeve) is Dec 2. I start liquid diet next week! I'm excited, scared, nervous and every emotion in between!!!!

I look forward to connecting with fellow BCers especially those in Victoria :)



on 10/27/15 8:21 am - Victoria , Canada
Topic: RE: Happy Haloween

There is a Facebook group for Victoria, BC? Please enlighten me!

on 10/15/15 4:04 pm - Canada
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