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on 3/15/16 8:14 pm
Topic: RE: Questions for anyone who's gone through the Royal Jubilee Program

How exciting! I haven't received my date yet; hopefully getting close.  I would suspect 2 days before would give ample time for any other tests you need.  You'll have to let us know how the process works and how your surgery goes.  Are you drinking the glucerna or boost diabetic? 

on 3/15/16 8:13 pm
Topic: RE: Questions for anyone who's gone through the Royal Jubilee Program

wow , that is so exciting! Who is doing surgery? How long after your consultation with surgery did u get a date? I have my consultation April.6th with Dr.Malik..I am very excited..also nervous..Please keep me posted also with how your pre-op diet goes! Can I ask your current weight?


-Thanks, Odette

on 3/15/16 6:33 pm
VSG on 04/06/16
Topic: RE: Orientation Date

I met with Dr. Lam at the end of January and my surgery is in 3 weeks, it moves quickly when you get to this point.  Don't be nervous Dr. Lam is really nice, she doesn't rush you in or out, and answered all my questions.

on 3/15/16 6:28 pm
VSG on 04/06/16
Topic: Questions for anyone who's gone through the Royal Jubilee Program

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe I'm just finding this forum, I finally got my date for my surgery and I'm trying to figure out what other appointments Victoria requires before surgery, I have already booked my appt with Dr. Z, and the anesthesiologist, and my GP, will I need more blood work or an x-ray a couple of days before surgery? I'm trying to book my hotel and thinking it's probably best to just stay 2 nights before surgery, in case of the last minute tests.

Start my pre-op diet tomorrow, I'm getting nervous, seem's like it's come too fast.

Thank you.


on 3/15/16 2:38 pm
Topic: RE: Questions for anyone who's gone through the Royal Jubilee Program

This also my 3rd one on one appointments, lol definitely mirroring on another - maybe we can be hospital roomies ;)

Here on the north island it's really slow for labs and xrays too.


on 3/12/16 5:22 pm - Victoria, Canada
VSG on 05/30/17
Topic: RE: Vancouver Islanders

This is so great, I've wanted to connect with others from our area but wasn't sure how. Thanks so much!


High W: 265 Surgery W: 208 Current W: 160 Goal W: 135

VSG Surgery May 30, 2017

on 3/12/16 4:12 pm
Topic: RE: LOOKING for some people going through similar

Oh your very familiar !! Well it's nice to find you on here , I had no idea this site existed until a few months ago! Please keep me posted with your progress and I will too! 

on 3/12/16 10:24 am
Topic: RE: LOOKING for some people going through similar

Yeppers! Mine was June 25th as well :)  What a great birthday present.  I spent 10 years living in Vanderhoof so I know the commute from PG quite well, lol. Talk about a long haul too!

on 3/12/16 9:47 am - Victoria, Canada
VSG on 05/30/17
Topic: RE: Orientation Date

Hi Sam,

It sounds like were going through some similar health stuff. I also have chronic pain and exhaustion. So much so that I've been off work since the end of November which drives me crazy because I love working but I have no choice, I literally can't. Most of my days right now are spent in bed.

A couple of weeks ago I found out I also have pre-diabetes, mild sleep apnea and kidney problems. Geez, it sounds like I'm a hundred years old!

The good news is that surgery/weight loss will take care of most of the problems and should prevent further kidney damage.

Are you using the cpap machine and if so, what's it like? I'm going to pick up mine next week.

I would love it if we could keep in touch and support each other!




High W: 265 Surgery W: 208 Current W: 160 Goal W: 135

VSG Surgery May 30, 2017

on 3/12/16 7:25 am
Topic: RE: LOOKING for some people going through similar

Well Hello there ! :) was your orientation. June25? I can never forget the date as it was my bday lol so nice to hear it's coming closer!! I have heard after consultations with surgeons .. They usually book surgery within next few months! Courtney is on the island right? But wayyyyy out ? Yah it's quite a treck now that I am up north :)

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