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on 5/9/16 9:04 pm
Topic: So I've got OSA and a few questions

Had to have a sleep study done to actually complete my referral to the Bariatric program at Royal Jubilee.  And I have moderate OSA (24 AHI per hour).  Not thrilled . . . I know many of my health issues are intimately tied to me being obese but I really didn't want another one on the list.  I didn't even know I had OSA - I knew I snored but would never have thought to be tested except that I needed to for the referral.  Anyways . . . Just wondering if it's a requirement for surgery at Jubilee to be on a CPAP machine and be compliant using it to actually get the surgery?  Anyone OSA and using a CPAP machine?  Do you notice it making a difference in your day to day functioning?

on 5/8/16 3:03 pm
VSG on 04/06/16
Topic: RE: Checking In

Wednesday is your x-Ray day I'm crossing my fingers it doesn't change on you again!!

on 5/8/16 3:01 pm
VSG on 04/06/16
Topic: RE: Orientation!!

I'm glad I could provide a laugh for you lol. I'm doing good I had my 1 month follow up with Dr. Lam on Thursday and a follow up with Carla as well. They both said I'm doing great and Carla has to see me at 3,6,12 month follow ups Dr. Zentner will,continue to be monthly and Dr. Lam doesn't need to see me unless there's a problem so we're all good. I bought a rotisserie chicken on Friday and I've been eating it all weekend in 3oz sections so life is good. No weigh in this week because the scale was up but I believe that was because I was retaining some water I'll check in a couple of days to see if my hunch was correct.

im happy to hear everyone's interested in it, the hard part is having them understand. I work in an office of 7 people they all know why I had surgery and yet they have had 3 cakes an a pie brought in in one week and continue to cut me pieces, not being rude I mu**** about take it back to my office and throw it out. Sometimes it just takes a while.

on 5/8/16 2:47 pm
VSG on 04/06/16
Topic: RE: The dreaded stall

I hope you're enjoying your food funeral today!!! And thank you for the belated birthday wish.  I tried to drive a week out thinking I would be fine mostly because my mom was driving like a 90 year old but I got half a block before I had to switch back. It just pulled my abdomen too much maybe it was just me I was fine to drive a week later.

good luck!


on 5/8/16 2:44 pm
VSG on 04/06/16
Topic: RE: The dreaded stall

Thanks Sam, I would suggest 3-4 but if possible I would slowly go back or be super prepared and set a timer to remind you to eat. I'm hoping you get your date soon.

on 5/5/16 9:39 am
Topic: RE: Orientation!!

Haha that made me laugh out loud! Boring amusement rides..

I took a ton of notes and have been boring my family with it for 2 days now.  But on the upside,  they seem supportive and some are excited to help and have a reason to help themselves. 


How are you feeling Jill? 

(deactivated member)
on 5/5/16 9:10 am
Topic: RE: The dreaded stall

Happy belated birthday!! You are doing amazingly well!!

The stall! I've read so much about it, I guess I won't know what it's like until I'm there. Keep doing what you're doing girl, I see your tracker moving steadily. If I could ask you one question, when are you able to drive again (if you do drive)

i start my liquid diet me May 11, I think my food funeral will be Mother's Day brunch LOL 

Does anyone know if there is a FB page?

hope everyone is doing well :)

on 5/4/16 10:19 pm
VSG on 04/06/16
Topic: RE: Orientation!!

That's great! I was a typical geek and wrote like 10 pages of notes! Lol

the ekg is fun you'll get another one along with a chest x-Ray 2 days before surgery at the hospital pre-op clinic.  The upper GI X-ray is the worst the chalky liquid that makes your insides glow is horrible, but it was a little bit like the most boring amusement park ride ever the way you're lowered and moved around.

the book is great I also ordered a book on ending emotional eating and I'm glad I did because there are a lot of cravings after surgery.

welcome to the process!!


on 5/4/16 9:43 pm
Topic: Orientation!!

Had my orientation yesterday! I am really excited to get cracking on things. I started Craving Change on Monday also, and finished up some work with a private councilor last week. I ordered the recommended book, and already did my blood-work which I didn't realize had an ekg.. so that was exciting lol


I plan on starting with tracking my food faithfully, and trying to get my CPAP compliancy report.. which might be tricky since my SD card wasn't working and I had to use a new one.. which means I have to wait a month or so before getting the report off of it. 

I felt like a sponge, I was listening to every single thing she said! 

on 5/4/16 6:30 pm
Topic: RE: The dreaded stall

Oh Jill - the dreaded scale stall ... how's it going now? Your tracker sign looks awesome - well done!  How many weeks recovery would you recommend?  I also have fibromyalgia so fatigue is a hard one for me. I was thinking 4 weeks but maybe longer? 

Happy belated Birthday! !!

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