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on 10/2/11 7:54 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
Good luck with your surgery tomorrow!!!  Did you find that you missed chewing things???  That's the one thing that I'm afraid of but Nooshin said that if I really wanted to chew i could have ice or sugar free hard candy (only a few but still something).  Only 10 mor days of work and then I head to Richmond!!!!  Jayna
on 10/2/11 4:35 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
Hi Jayna:
You will be surprised at how fast it will go by.  This is my last day of pre-op liquid diet.  My RNY is at 10AM tomorrow morning, and then I start my 2 week post-op liquid diet.  I hardly seemed to miss the food because the liquids filled me up.  Did not ever feel hungry, and had some difficulty finishing all the liquids that Nooshin wanted me to have each day.  GOOD LUCK!!!
Barb Friesen
on 10/2/11 2:43 am - Canada
Topic: Liquid Diet
Today is the first day of my liquid diet!!!!! I can't believe that this day is here and that in 2 weeks I'll be having my surgery!!!!  This time is just flying by!!!
on 9/29/11 10:04 am - Canada
Topic: Support Group Meeting Langley Sat Oct 1
Langley WLS Support
When – first Saturday of every month - October 1
Time – 10 – 12 noon
Where – Langley Memorial Hospital, Conference Room 3
Group Leader - Brenda Dondo 604-316-5572
[email protected]
here is the info about this sats meeting in case anyone  wants to jion us

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 9/29/11 1:45 am - Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
The physical activity testing was so easy.  He starts by putting a monitor device on your wrist and a bp cuff on your other arm, this is suppose to measure how your arteries response when they are put under a little stress (by the bp cuff being inflated).  I think that part took about 10 minutes.  Then he has you put a  heart rate monitor band around your chest and do a 6 minute walk (basically going back and forth over a set distance) and every minute he asks what your pulse is and how you're feeling (shortness of breath or fatigue).  He did say that if needed you can sit and rest and then carry on to complete this test, there is no hurry to get any of this stuff done.  He also does a few balance tests and has you do a sit to stand from a chair 5 times as fast as you can.  The final thing that we did was to time how fast I could walk a very small distance.  He does have a very short questionnaire for you to fill out as well, basicallly asking the same question with increasing amounts of distance involved, ie. have you been able to leave your bedroom this week and if so how often and did you need any assistance (another person or a device like a wheelchair or a cane).  It then asked about leaving the house, leaving the neighborhood and leaving your town I believe.  I believe that the whole thing took about 45 minutes.  Hope that helps a little and feel free to ask any questions about any of my appointments, I really don't mind answering them.  Jayna
on 9/29/11 12:12 am - Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
It's great to hear the progress and find out what others are going through before surgery, so that those of us who are coming up have some insight on what's going on. Jaynak, how did the physical activity assessment with the PAL line go? Congrats to you all on the success so far, and this is good to read, as I have mine Nov 14th.
on 9/28/11 3:34 pm, edited 9/28/11 3:34 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
Hey, you're my surgery twin!!!!!!!!  I'm having RNY with Dr. Sampath on October 17!!!  I did all of my pre-op at the hospital yesterday, saw Dr. You, the pre-admission nurse and the anesthestist.  I also had blood work, ecg and chest x-rays done.  I did see Nooshin for my last pre-surgery dietary meeting and she was very happy with my weight loss in the last 6 weeks, now I just have to email her my weight on the 14th.  She also went over the post-op diet for the first 2 weeks after surgery.  the final thing that I did at the hospital yesterday was to meet with Mark from the PAL line and do the physical activity assessment, it was easy peasy and he's so nice too.

Good luck to you and I look forward to hearing how your journey progresses after surgery.  Maybe we'll even get to meet while we're in the hospital.

on 9/28/11 3:19 pm, edited 9/28/11 3:21 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
Yes it was Dr. You. He was very nice.

I haven't heard anything about UBC yet, but I have had a physical activity assessment done there before.

Congratulations on the 52 pounds. I have only lost about 20 lbs in the same time period, but have lost about 5 inches off of my waist.

Oh yeah...and I am having sleeve surgery (I like how it sounds like an arm surgery).
on 9/28/11 3:14 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
It's great to hear about your journey, and CONGRATS on you soon to be surgery.  Which surgery will you be having?  I look forward to seeing more posts from you about your journey, and  GOOD LUCK!!!! 

You probably saw Dr. You, an internist at Richmond Hospital.  I agree that he is very nice and easy to talk to.  I will have my RNY on Monday, October 3rd with Dr. Sampath.  I have my last three pre-op appointments tomorrow.  Nooshin @ Richmond Hospital for my final pre-op weigh in and to get my first post-op liquid food schedule.  Then to UBC for the pre-op physical activity assessment and to get my post-op physical activity schedule.  And then to Coastal Sleep to get my CPAP adjusted and set for in surgery which the anesthetist said I will have to wear because of my sleep apnea score.  It's a good thing I am on liquids because I don't think I will have time to stop for lunch.  I am now down 52pounds, since my first visit to Dr. Sampath in mid March, and am still finding in hard to believe (could not have done it without Nooshin's help).

Thanks for sharing, Barb Friesen
on 9/28/11 12:13 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 42 days!
Yay so exciting! Yup I am definitely in love with my sleeve :). I am down 50 lbs since surgery and 68 all together. I lose on average about 3 lbs a week now. Sometimes more, sometimes less but when I don't lose lbs, I lose inches. All the best to you guys for your surgeries and recovery. IF you hve any questions, feel free to ask.
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