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on 10/10/11 1:48 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
Well the liquid diet must be working.

I used ketostix today, which basically test your urine to tell youif you are in ketosis, and I definately am.
on 10/10/11 4:17 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
TheCoach, yup I have the loss of appetite.  It's a good thing that I can't eat much right now cause I'm not hungry and most of the things that I can eat are absolutely disgusting looking to me!!!!  I find that the only time that I feel "hungry" is when I'm lacking on my water and i'm actually thirsty so a glass or two of water and I'm good to go.

Heather, you're lucky that you could have that stuff, Nooshin told me what I was allowed to have in a day and that was it!!!  I can have the sugar free popsicles or jell-o on top of my other stuff but that's all.

Can't believe that it's one week today and operating room here I come!!!  I'm so excited!!
on 10/10/11 3:28 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
 I had surgery with Dr Nguyen in June. I was also told by Nooshin that I had to lose a minimum of 7 lbs or no surgery. I lost 18 lbs pre op. 
About the liver:
I was told previously that I had an enlarged fatty liver. It was something I was concerned about going into surgery so afterwards I asked Dr Nguyen what my liver looked like. He said pink, healthy and perfect. It did shrink significantly and was perfectly ready on surgery day.
 I was really strict on my pre op too. I agree with the chicken broth statement YUK! I ate a lot of sugar free popsicles, and skinny cow frozen treats while on the pre op diet. Not a fan of flavored yogurt and so I opted for greek yogurt for the most part. 
It is amazing how much "waste" is still produced when on liquids lol. Our poor bowels are in for quite a rollercaoster ride until a bit after surgery when you start to eat regular again. Don't worry it is normal. You will not have any action in that area for nearly a week after surgery as well, although you will really want to lol.  Eventually once everything settles down you will return to nomal and then you will wonder where it's all coming from. Just remember water, water, water. All the best to the two of you who are preparing for this awesome adventure!! Take each day one at a time and don't expect too much too fast. It will work and you will do great!
on 10/9/11 5:56 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Happy Thanksgiving!!
Great job.

How do you find not mixing liquids and solids? And was your portion of dinner noticably tiny?
on 10/9/11 12:04 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
On October 9, 2011 at 7:50 AM Pacific Time, jaynak wrote:
Hi!!!!  Glad that you're doing so well!!!  I have been tempted, but like you I have not cheated (unless you count the 4 candies that I had to eat to treat a couple of low blood sugars early on).  I still have a pretty gurgly tummy but I think that the diarrhea has settled quite a bit, especially in the last 24 hours.  I can't believe that I'm half way thru this diet!!!

I have done my anesthetic consult.  I am from Kamloops so I did all of my pre-op stuff when I was down to see Nooshin for the last time before surgery. 

Just wondering how much people were told by Nooshin that they had to loose or she would cancel the surgery????  She told me 7 lbs (and I think that I'm down about 10 lbs right now).  I did ask Dr. Sampath about this before and he told me that there is no set amount but that if he gets in there to do the surgery and you haven't done the diet properly and your liver hasn't shrunk then he'll close ya back up and you'll wait for over a year to try again.

Good luck to you.

Nooshin never told me I had to lose X-amount of weight or anything like that, but she said that I could expect to lose 6-7 lbs on the liquid diet.

Dr. Sampath told me the same thing about the liver. I showed him Nooshin;s diet a couple days ago during my last pre-op appt. and he said if I follow it I should be fine.

Have you experienced any loss of appetite?
on 10/9/11 12:55 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Happy Thanksgiving!!
Congrats!!!!  Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!!!  I'll have to remember that tip so that people don't notice my small portions after surgery. 

I had to do my turkey dinner last weekend as I'm on the liquid diet now, so glad that I did that cause now I don't have to worry about any temptations to eat turkey!!!!
on 10/9/11 12:50 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
Hi!!!!  Glad that you're doing so well!!!  I have been tempted, but like you I have not cheated (unless you count the 4 candies that I had to eat to treat a couple of low blood sugars early on).  I still have a pretty gurgly tummy but I think that the diarrhea has settled quite a bit, especially in the last 24 hours.  I can't believe that I'm half way thru this diet!!!

I have done my anesthetic consult.  I am from Kamloops so I did all of my pre-op stuff when I was down to see Nooshin for the last time before surgery. 

Just wondering how much people were told by Nooshin that they had to loose or she would cancel the surgery????  She told me 7 lbs (and I think that I'm down about 10 lbs right now).  I did ask Dr. Sampath about this before and he told me that there is no set amount but that if he gets in there to do the surgery and you haven't done the diet properly and your liver hasn't shrunk then he'll close ya back up and you'll wait for over a year to try again.

Good luck to you.
on 10/8/11 6:22 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: Happy Thanksgiving!!
Well I made it through my first Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws who don't know I have had this surgery. I did very well and did not eat too much (overstuff my pouch) . I had to keep getting up to help the kids so no one noticed the small portions I too., I was worried the small amount I took would draw attention but it didn't. They commented on how great I was looking (mother in law thinks I'm on some sort of south beach diet ) lol So it all went well. I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!!
on 10/8/11 6:12 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: All of you with surgical dates and those recently done
I'm not sure if Tang always goes but the waitlist, sometimes it seems he bumps people up if he feels your ready (ya didn't hear that from me lol), did he give you an idea of how long your wait would be?
on 10/8/11 6:08 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Dr Tang/amson increased surgical time
No prep at all needed with Tang.
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