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on 10/11/11 6:02 am - Canada
Topic: Twenty Sleeps

I feel like I'm counting down to Christmas.  My surgery is on October 31 and everyone keeps asking me if I'm nervous or worried.  I don't have time!  I have so much to do before then! 

And tomorrow is going to be a busy day - I see the OT at 2:30, I go to Admitting with all of my medications, etc. at 3:00 and then I see Nooshin at 4:00!! 

I'm a little worried about seeing Nooshin because even though my clothes have been getting bigger and bigger, I don't think I've lost much weight (maybe 3-4 pounds).  At my last weigh in I'd lost a total of 21 lbs, but I'm concerned about what she will say tomorrow with such a low weight loss.  Anyway, I guess I'll find out.

I should start my liquid diet on October 17 and I see the anaesthesiologist on Oct 21.  Time is flying awfully fast!

Wish me luck tomorrow!!


on 10/11/11 4:31 am, edited 10/11/11 4:32 am - Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
Just got the call to be at the hospital for 11am for surgery at about 1pm.  I must be his last surgery of the day.  Prplady, what time do you have to be at the hospital for your pre-op stuff???
on 10/11/11 4:29 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
Just got a call from Dr. Sampath's office to be at the hospital for 11am and surgery is about 1pm.  This should be interesting cause fasting for that long and stress ought to add up to some pretty high blood sugars!!!!  Ah well, will just let the docs and nurses do what they need to to get them back down under control.
on 10/11/11 3:00 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet
Good for you!!!  I never even thought to test for that!!!  Actually my first thought was, wow, that's not very good, followed by wait, that's what we need from this diet.  Definately read your post too late at night to fully comprehend it!!!  LOL.  How's the rest of the diet going???  I'm so glad to only have 6 days of it left, I'm getting bored with no variety even though I'm not really hungry or wanting to eat much of anything.  Oh well, just gotta keep the big prize at the end in mind.
on 10/11/11 2:53 am - Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
Sure, at least a short visit if possible.  Don't know what time surgery is at yet.  I'm heading down on Sunday to spend the night at my Dad's, I can text you with more info when I get there if you'd like.  What time do you have to be at the hospital for your pre-op stuff??
on 10/11/11 2:50 am - Canada
Topic: RE: 42 days!
Good luck to you!!!  It really goes by fast!!!  Have you tried out your liquid diet for a few days to see if you need to adjust it???  Good luck to you. 
on 10/10/11 6:28 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Happy Thanksgiving!!

I did not have any issues with not having a drink with my meals now, I really have gotten used to it over the past few months.  My meal was tiny, I put on my plate mostly turkey and then some veggies and a tiny bit of stuffing and gravy (looked like about 3/4 of a cup to 1 cup of food) I purposely put more food on my plate to not  draw attention to my portion size, but only ate about 1/2-3/4 of it. Since I had to keep getting up to help kids, it looked like I was eating for a normal length of time and then I put the rest in the garbage. Normally I would have chosen a smaller plate, but couldn't this time so I spread the food out to cover about 1/2 of the plate. I was so thankful no food got 'stuck'.

on 10/10/11 3:22 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanks for the wishes!  Happy Thanksgiving to you  too!

Glad that you made it thru without any trouble

Mmm I enjoyed a nice Turkey Dinner tonight...

I really enjoyed it.. I didn't overeat at all..I even passed on the pumkin pie an ice cream

I did have thoughts about not being able to have a plate full like that again...

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/10/11 3:12 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 42 days!
So glad to hear that you are loving your sleeve Heather!

that is awesome news!

28 days now ! 

two weeks til liquid diet time

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/10/11 3:09 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: My experience so far....Surgey date Oct 17th
Well I am coming to Richmond for my Pre Op at the Hospital on

Oct 17

I just may have to do some of my walk that day with the two of you.

If you are up to it!

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
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