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Cathrine J.
on 10/15/11 4:04 pm - Victoria, Canada
RNY on 02/01/12
on 10/15/11 1:55 pm - Kelowna, Canada
Topic: RE: 5 Months out
That is awesome! Keep up the good work! You'll be at goal in no time.
HW: 282.5   SW: 263.5   CW: 235
on 10/15/11 10:42 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Richmond Drs. ...? time off work?
yes I am hoping for 6 to 8 weeks off

when I first asked Dr Sampath he said 3 weeks and 3 weeks light duty

my job is quite pyhsical and I do not want to go back to soon.. plus it is a production line so I can not just up and leave if need be.. so I would really like to be sure of how the eating changes are tolerated...

thanks for all you replies!

and so glad to hear that all is going well!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/15/11 10:37 am - Canada
Topic: RE: 5 Months out

Good for you Rhonda!

keep up the good work

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/15/11 10:36 am, edited 10/15/11 3:25 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 42 days!
Hi Jayna

Yes i have tried out the liquid diet for a few days

I am seeing everybody! lol Nooshin, Robyn, Dr Sampath and the sleep Dr on Thursday

so I will be asking about adding some greek yougurt..

it wasnt bad.. mind u I only did it for a couple days.. two weeks might be totally different..

well and it will be more than two weeks cause that is what we are on for  a while after also...

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/15/11 8:08 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: 5 Months out
I will be 5 months out tomorrow and I just came back from getting weighed and I am now 182 lbs!! That is a loss of 78 lbs! Woot Woot!! I am down from a size 24 (3x) to a 13 pants (at Reitmans) !! Feels great to reap the benefits of all this hard work!! Seems very surreal.
on 10/15/11 3:49 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Last weekend without a sleeve...

Good luck to you surgery twin!!!!!!!  You'll have to come look for me in the hospital if you get a chance (I'll send you a PM with my full name so you can find me).  I can't believe that it's here already!!!!!

Lots of walking is good, but like someone else said,  you will probably have the funny things on your legs.  Making sure to move your feet/ankles/legs around while you're lying in bed is also good to help prevent the clots.

on 10/14/11 6:18 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Last weekend without a sleeve...
You might not need the mags ( I was too groggy to focus on reading, and I tried crosswords but couldn't concentrate very long), I agree you definately need to bring the music!! You might want to pack chapstick and earplugs too. I'm not sure if it is the same recovery as RnY, but I wish I had brought my own sugar free jello, not that you feel like eating much, but the hospital in Victoria ,where I went, did not have the proper diet for WLS patients. Best of luck for you can't wait to see your updates!
on 10/14/11 3:04 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Richmond Drs. ...? time off work?
 My Dr had me off for six weeks and it was perfect. I felt great after about two weeks but getting used to eating was a challenge. By the time six weeks were up I was totally ready to go back and had a good idea of what my diet would be like from then on, and it hasn't changed much since. I did experience the effects of not chewing enough, eatiing a little too much, and eating too fast during that time and I am glad it was while I was off work lol. It gave me a good idea of what to expect. I quickly learned from those mistakes and haven't had any problems at all. Take as much time as you can, you will be glad you did.
All the best to you!
on 10/14/11 3:01 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Last weekend without a sleeve...
Best of Luck to you!

They will prolly put these funny leg things on you.. they inflate and deflate with air to keep the blood moving in your legs.. funny really .. up and down they go !

I will be there for my Pre-op all afternoon.. back to back appointments..

I will be looking forward to hearing from you afterwards.

All the best and you will have to be moving over on the losers bench in a few short weeks to make room for ME!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
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