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on 10/20/11 6:22 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RNY Oct..3 - followed by a bumpy ride

If you are considering or waiting for WLS, please do not get discouraged, because my bumpy ride was very unusual, but still the best thing I have ever done for myself.

Had my RNY surgery on Oct.3rd with Dr. Sampath.  On Oct.6th it was discovered that I was bleeding internally and required emergency surgery plus 3 blood transfusions.  Then on Oct.13th, I ended up back in emergency surgery for a blocked bowel due to a hernia at the largest  incision site.  All in all, I was in Richmond Hospital for 15 days (including 10 days in ICU & 8 days in isolation from an antibiotic resistant bacteria infection which can only be picked up in a hospital during a critical illness).

Dr. Sampath was a wonderful, extremely attentive, and caring surgeon making sure my every need was taken care of immediately.  His entire team has also been great, visiting while in hospital, telephoning and emailing since I came home, to make sure my recovery is progressing smoothly.

I am down 14 pounds since RNY surgery, and a total of 68 pounds since the start of of journey in March.  "Celebrated" the BIG 60 while in hospital, so at my age and weight, if I can do this, anyone can do this and be successful.

Barb Friesen 

on 10/20/11 5:44 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: surgery or not
Had my RNY surgery with Dr. Sampath on Oct,3rd.  Down 14 pounds since then (68 in total), and I turned 60 in hospital, so if I can do this, anyone can succeed.  Dr. Sampath is wonderful to work with, as well as his entire team of professionals.
Barb Friesen
on 10/20/11 4:05 am - Canada
Topic: RE: 18 day!

Hey there!  I've only got 11 days until my surgery!  Man!  It's going fast.  I see the anaesthesiologist this Friday, and Nooshin. 

He won't take it away!  They look at the overall picture, not just a day here and there.  You've shown your commitment to this process, don't be so hard on yourself!

Good luck, and say hey to Jayna and tell her we want to know how she's doing!

Take care -



on 10/20/11 2:20 am - Canada
Topic: 18 day!
ok peeps so here it is 18 days away from surgery! Woooooooo Hooooooo! Yikes kinda nervous I am off to Richmond to see everybody! Nooshin then Robyn the OT then Dr S and then Sleep Dr. Plus I may go a bit early and pop into see Jayna.. she had her surgery on Monday and gets out today..oh yeah the nervous part is cause what if Dr S decided NO! and takes my date away???? I have lost like he said I had to .. but I did go to Mexico and of course I found some of it again... I have taken it back off but yikes he will look at my Journal.. oh well here we go!

on 10/19/11 11:06 am
Topic: RE: surgery or not
i am leaning towards the RNY. from all i have read it seems to be the best fit for me.  Dr Sampath is a wonderful wealth of knowledge too.  Love this site too, unbelivable amounts of information.  keep it coming and i will make the right decision.
Cathrine J.
on 10/18/11 9:19 am - Victoria, Canada
RNY on 02/01/12
Topic: RE: All of you with surgical dates and those recently done

I've heard the same thing, Rhonda.  I'm sure hoping it's the case. 

HW 262, BMI 46.2 / SW 216, BMI 38.2 / CW 183 / GW 155
*45 lbs were lost pre-op.
5' 3 1/2"

on 10/18/11 2:36 am
VSG on 02/06/12
on 10/18/11 1:19 am - Kelowna, Canada
Topic: RE: Day One
 It really will go so fast.  And each time you are struggling, just remember WHY you are doing it, and how good you will feel in the end!  Congrats!!
HW: 282.5   SW: 263.5   CW: 235
on 10/17/11 8:10 am - Canada
Topic: RE: surgery or not

I understand how you feel.  My GP and I discussed it for two years before she made me an appointment - I went back and forth like mad.  I am two weeks away from surgery and part of me still feels that I should be able to do this on my own!  But that is lessening as I learn more about myself and what is good for me - and for the first time in my life, I am putting me first!

Honestly, I know that I will never be able to lose the amount of weight that I need to lose, given my age and my weight.  But I also know that this procedure is just a tool - one that will give me a really solid push, which is what I need.  The health benefits for me far outway any negatives. 

But you have to do what you need to do for yourself.  Talk to your GP, talk to others (there are support groups that meet, as well as online), go for your tests, talk to the surgeon. 

And in the end, you'll know what to do.  I did!

Good luck!



on 10/17/11 4:18 am, edited 10/17/11 4:18 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: surgery or not
What surgery are you considering?
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