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on 10/20/11 12:46 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: RNY Oct..3 - followed by a bumpy ride
So great to hear you are doing much better!!  Well Happy Birthday!! This will definately be a very eventful year for you!!
on 10/20/11 12:46 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 18 day!
WHEW! Ok so Thank you to everyone! and It is still ON! He didn't even look at my Journal! He just looked at me and said You look smaller! so that was nice.. He looked tired... He also said he would fill out my medical leave forms after surgery and that YES! 6 weeks off! I am so happy bout that.. with the heavy lifting at work, I did not want to go back too early! I start my Pre-op Liquid diet on Sunday.. I even have a bit of flexibility with that.. 100 calories and a few carbs to play with!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/20/11 12:42 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
Yes! It was so good to see you both at the hospital today... You both looked grea for just having had surgery.. It is too bad about the mix up with the times but it all worked out in the end..
I hope you had a good walk!

Jayna hopefully we can get together for another visit before you go back home.

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/20/11 9:00 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
It was nice running into you and prplady today!

Yeah they gave me and Jaynak the wrong times, and I ended up arriving early.

I'm getting ready to start exercising right away starting with a walk tonight!

Still haven't ate much. Just 1/2 an iced tea and a 1/2 cup of skim milk.

I cannot wait until I am further out to try some wonderful WLS recipes.

on 10/20/11 8:18 am, edited 10/23/11 1:29 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Richmond Drs. ...? time off work?
I had Dr. Sampath fill out the form for my work while I was in the hospital and he decided that because of the type of work that I do (I work in a group home with mentally challenged adults) that I will in fact be off of wor****il at least December 1.
on 10/20/11 8:16 am - Canada
Topic: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
 I finally had my RNY surgery done on Monday afternoon!!!!  The first night was pretty rough, but since then things have gotten way better and I am so happy that I did this!!!!

For anyone having RNY surgery with Dr. Sampath make sure that you check the time with his office.  They called me a few days before my scheduled date and gave me a time to be at the hospital, well, they gave me the WRONG time!!!!  I got a call from the hospital about 9:30 in the morning wondering where I was as I was suppose to be there an hour before, but I had been told by Dr. Sampath's staff to be at the hospital at 11am for surgery at 1pm!!!!!  It all worked out because his other patient was also given the wrong time and was there waiting already, but I really thought for a few minutes that they were going to cancel my surgery.  So if you're having a RNY done he prefers to do that surgery before he does the sleeve surgery, so an arrival time of 11am for an RNY patient may be the wrong time!!!!

Now I just can't wait to get home to Kamlops and see my kiddos for the first time in a week!!!!

on 10/20/11 8:07 am - Canada
Topic: RE: 18 day!
 Hey, it was nice to get to see you this morning!!!!  Hope that everything went well with all of your appointments.  Keep thinking positive!!!!  I gained a few pounds here and there through the time that I was seeing him and he was totally understanding of it.  Since you've taken it back off that's an even bigger bonus.  Let us know how you made out today.  Jayna
on 10/20/11 8:04 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Back from Richmond Hospital and sleeved...
 Congrats on your surgery and recovery so far!!!!!  It was nice to get to meet and talk with you!!!!!   I look forward to hearing how your journey goes as we both continue down this road!!!!  Jayna
on 10/20/11 8:01 am - Canada
Topic: RE: RNY Oct..3 - followed by a bumpy ride
 Hi Barb, so sorry to hear that you had such a rough time with things.  But I am very happy to hear that you are doing better and are back home.  I hope that you have a very smooth and uneventful recovery from here on.  Jayna
on 10/20/11 6:55 am - Canada
Topic: Back from Richmond Hospital and sleeved...

So I got home from the hospital a couple hours ago. I quickly took a long shower and reapplied a bandage to one laproscopic wound where my drainage thingy was.

I'm a little dizzy and disoriented from so many hours in a hospital bed, and not being in such a well lit place with lots of sunlight.

I bought an ice-t from Starbucks at the hospital, and in 2 hours haven't even drank half of it..not able to!

Dr. Sampath told me this morning that the first couple of weeks, you really want to take it easy...drink fluids slowly with the gas trapped inside of you and the swelling. Some people, he said, eat too much early on, and actually bust their staples before they even heal.

The pre-op liquid diet helped physically and mentally prepare me for this stage.

I think it'll probably be winter by the time I start eating meals again.

I'm surprised there isn't much pain though. Last night, I stopped taking my painkillers and i'm not feeling that differently.
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