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on 10/21/11 4:16 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
 Thanks everyone, so far things seem to be going well.  I can't wait to get to my house tomorrow and see my kiddos!!!!  A week away from them is just too long.  I also can't believe that I can't wait to get on the scale on Sunday and see if I have lost any weight (who woulda thought that getting on a scale would make me excited!!!).  

For anyone else that had the RNY, did you find that your tummy was making lots of funny noises???  I cannot believe the noise that my tummy has been making the last few days!!!  It doesn't hurt or bother me, it's actually kinda funny.
on 10/21/11 2:02 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: Back from Richmond Hospital and sleeved...
Hi Coach:
I am so glad that everything went OK for you.  The weight will start coming off very fast.  My pain from the RNY has been gone for awhile, and the only pain I have now is from my 3rd surgery, a week ago.  Good Luck with the rest of your journey, and keep posting.
Barb Friesen
on 10/21/11 1:56 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
Hi Jayna:
I am so happy that your RNY went so well.  I am having no problems with mine, the only pain I have is from the 3rd surgery, done a week ago.  The weight seems to be coming off real fast, so I,m hoping that yours does too.  Good luck!
Barb Friesen
on 10/21/11 11:46 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
Good heavens!  I've just realized you had the RNY!  Sorry about the mixup.  But let's keep in touch anyway!!


on 10/21/11 11:45 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
Jayna - great to see you on the other side!  My turn next - Oct 31 here I come!  I'm glad all went well.  I'm having the same procedure (VSG), so let's keep in touch.  Take care!

on 10/21/11 5:40 am
Topic: RE: Dr Tang/amson increased surgical time
I spoke to MJ this morning and Dr Tang has not recieved an increase in surgical time. He is still only doing one per month. She told me I am still looking at another years wait. That was really depressing to hear as i so hoped i would get done sooner. I was in a slump for about 5 minutes and just told myself to get on with it. Do as much as i can for now with excercise and diet and keep plugging away...agh... So I just keep on going I guess. I am 53 and really want this to happen.
on 10/21/11 12:12 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Back from Richmond Hospital and sleeved...
Congrats, and welcome back home. It's good to know the liquid diet helps, I start mine on the 31st, so having you and Jaynak talk about it the last little bit has been really informative.
on 10/21/11 12:11 am - Canada
Topic: RE: RNY Oct..3 - followed by a bumpy ride
SO glad to hear you're ok Barb!! Happy Birthday, and it's good to know that Dr Sampath and his team were amazing through all this.
on 10/20/11 12:54 pm, edited 10/20/11 12:54 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Back from Richmond Hospital and sleeved...
You probably still have a bit of the anesthesia in you(makes you a bit off balance), drinking water will help flush all that out. Good to hear all went well for the both of you!!
on 10/20/11 12:49 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Make room on the looser's bench!!!
So great to hear all went well !!
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