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on 10/28/11 3:19 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 6 down and 8 to go
Woot woot!!!!  Doing awesome!!!!  The days will just fly by now and you'll be at the hospital for your surgery before you know it!!!
on 10/28/11 11:44 am - Canada
Topic: 6 down and 8 to go
Hiya all

well I am 6 days into the Liquid diet and it is going OK
I am down 4lbs already and Nooshin wants 7lbs for sure. So I see no problem there!
I got the call for the time today and WOO HOO I am first !!!!

I have to be at Hospital at 630 am that is Awesome

I am hoping to be doing so great that I get outta the hospital early also

cross your fingers!


HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/27/11 11:21 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
Topic: November Vancouver weight loss surgery support meeting

Hello Everyone

Just wanted to remind everyone about the next Vancouver weight loss surgery support meeting it's on Thursday November 3rd at 7:00 pm, at Mt. St. Joseph's Hospital, take the elevator up to the 1st floor, Sister Germaine Roy conference room. This meeting is open to preops, postops, spouses, support people or anyone looking into weight loss surgery.

Any questions please email me at [email protected]

on 10/27/11 3:17 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: last supper?
I didn't have one big last supper, I spread it over the whole week. I chose foods that were my favorites. I also tried to think of somethings I wouldn't be able to enjoy for a while. Chinese, sushi, steak, parmesean chicken, potstickers, burger, were some of the things I chose.
on 10/27/11 2:24 am - Canada
Topic: RE: last supper?
I did!!!  My liquid diet started one week before Thanksgiving so I had my turkey dinner and all the trimmings for my last supper.  I loved every bite and made sure that we ate dinner early enough that I could still have a turkey sandwich later.  I loved every bite of it.
on 10/27/11 12:53 am - Canada
Topic: RE: last supper?

I did - my family and I had a dinner and we had my favourite thing of all - pancakes and bacon!  It was great, we had a blast and I enjoyed every bite!! 



on 10/26/11 4:16 pm
Topic: last supper?
 For those who have had surgery, did you have a "last supper" before you started your pre-op diet?

If so, what did you have?

on 10/26/11 2:51 pm
Topic: RE: 20 days to go!

 My first appointment was at the end of May, surgery is mid it's been pretty quick.

But Ive heard they have gotten busier, and are only approved for so many surgeries per year.

on 10/26/11 11:35 am
Topic: RE: 20 days to go!
how long did you have to wait from your first appt with dr S?  I first saw him one month ago, so just judging how long before I feel the same excitement as you.  Good Luck to you!  Congrats.
on 10/26/11 4:34 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: 20 days to go!
I think it is exciting and scary because now after doing all the preop stuff it just seems so real and final. Good luck and it will go fast!
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