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on 10/29/11 5:08 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Pain in the side
Oh No! That is not good! but it is good that Dr.Sampath is staying in close contact with you.
Bravo to him...I would take what he told you to..

Wishing you the BEST OF LUCK!

I hope you are feeling better very soon

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/29/11 5:01 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Pain in the side
Hopefully you have a chance to put your feet up and relax, could also be you over did it a bit.
on 10/29/11 4:58 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: 6 down and 8 to go
on 10/29/11 4:56 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Pain in the side
I had pain on my left side after surgery and my doc said it is pretty usual since that is side that the major part of surgery is done on. Hang in there!
on 10/29/11 4:45 am - Canada
Topic: Pain in the side
So I seem to have developed a pain in my left left.  I sent Dr. Sampath an email since he told me very specifically that he wanted to be notified of any pain/problems and he called this morning.  His feeling right now is that it's probably muscle pain from the surgery and I'm suppose to take Tylenol 650mg and Advil 400mg every 4 hours and email him again tomorrow.  I'm scared to take the Advil since I know that it's on the do not take list, but I'm trying to have faith that he knows what he's doing and he wouldn't tell me to take something if it was going to do more harm than good.  He also told me that if the pain gets any worse then I am to go to the hospital here and demand a CT scan (like that's gonna happen).  He gave me his cell number and told me that if I go to the ER here they can call him.  In all honesty if it gets to where I need to be seen then I'll be packing up and heading down to Richmond to see him, I just don't trust the ER docs here.  Wish me luck and I hope that this resolves soon.
on 10/29/11 4:28 am - Canada
Topic: RE: 6 down and 8 to go
umm ok so I was wrong! I was actually down 6 lbs !!!

and WOW! another 2 today

38 total and still a week to go

Thanks everyone!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/29/11 4:28 am
Topic: RE: Dr Tang/amson increased surgical time
Thanks. I actually phoned the Richmond surgeons and there is now a one year waitlist with 300 people on it. They said that they have been inundated with calls since they opened.
on 10/29/11 3:14 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Dr Tang/amson increased surgical time
Hang in there, I remember being told it would be 3 years, but it did finally come. The wait is the reason most ppl are going to Richmond.
on 10/29/11 2:50 am
Topic: RE: 6 down and 8 to go
6 days and 4lbs, exellent!!! keep us all posted on your progress!
on 10/28/11 3:46 pm
Topic: RE: 6 down and 8 to go
oh that is great!!!

An early surgery time would be ideal!! Just get it over with forsure!!! Im so excited for you!

Glad you are managing okay on the liquid diet! yay for the 4lbs!
you will get the last few easy!
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