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on 11/2/11 6:27 am
Topic: RE: upper GI
yah, the next day was totally fine. I felt rough afterwards and just wanted to sleep it off. Had a little sore throat.
I too had the popped blood vessels around my eyes mostly...but it went away within a few days.
on 11/2/11 12:14 am - Canada
Topic: RE: upper GI
I felt a little rough the next day, and had what looked like popped blood vessels all over my face, but that was it. Definitely you will be fine to go on the trip, enjoy every minute of it!!
on 11/1/11 4:03 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: upper GI
 I had my gastroscopy done in Kamloops but it was no big deal.  Go in, have an IV put in, get some drugs and they do the test.  After an hour or so go home and I think I slept off and on for most of the rest of the day.  You should be fine to go on your trip and have a wonderful time!!!!  I think at most some people have a sore throat after.

on 11/1/11 1:30 pm
Topic: RE: Tomorrow is Surgery Time
sure hope all went well with your surgery, stay in touch with us!!! 
on 11/1/11 1:28 pm
Topic: RE: Pain in the side
sure glad you have an idea of what it is.  Hopefully Dr S has some suggestions for you.  Please keep us all posted on your progress.  Take care!!
on 11/1/11 1:25 pm
Topic: upper GI
Can anyone give me some info on the upper GI that Dr Sampath does?  how did you feel afterwards.  I am leaving two days later to Mexico and wondered if I should postpone the appointment.  thanks for your info. 
on 11/1/11 9:55 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Pain in the side
 So here is the latest, I spoke with Dr. Sampath this afternoon and he still had not heard from my doc about the results of the CT scan nor had the images been posted to his grid so he could view them (grrr).  I did also speak with the receptionist at my GP' office and she told me that the report came back as no complications, but I apparently have a kidney stone!!!!  Not sure why or even if that is what is causing the pain.  Hopefully when I see Dr. Sampath tomorrow afternoon he will have managed to get some more answers by then.
on 11/1/11 9:50 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Richmond Hospital Visitors
 You surgey is scheduled for the day before my next appt. with Nooshin, if you are up to it and would like I could come for a short visit.  I just need either your last name or a cell # to text you at to find out where you are (you can pm these to me if you like).

on 11/1/11 1:38 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Back from Richmond Hospital and sleeved...
Congrats. I also found there was little pain and I was off even the Tylenol 3 before leaving the hospital.
But do pamper yourself a little. Don't overdo things but keep walking. Take several short walks around the block or whatever during the day and move around the house. It really does help you to get feeling better faster.
Best of luck with your journey!
Quien quiera pescado que se moje el culo
Dec. 2010 weight 355, surgery weight 292 Current weight 199
on 11/1/11 1:34 am - Canada
Topic: RE: last supper?
I kept planning to.... kept dreaming of a big Chinese smorg. But somehow it never panned out and the next thing I knew it was liquid diet time and then surgery....
Sometimes I wish I had done it, but then again it was just a couple of pounds more to lose so in the long run, maybe it's all for the best.
But if you do it, plan well and really enjoy every damn mouthful!
Quien quiera pescado que se moje el culo
Dec. 2010 weight 355, surgery weight 292 Current weight 199
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