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on 11/17/11 4:15 am
Topic: im sleeved! :)

I was released from the hospital yesterday (Wednesday) morning.
Feels great to be home!

So here's my hospital story:

Surgery was scheduled for 2:15, I was to be there at 12:15.
I got registered, and checked in.  And all gowned up, including funky compression stockings that look like elf feet, and little booties & a hat.  Very charming attire.
They started an IV, and gave me some meds to remove all acid in my tummy, as well as something to relax me (ativan?) So I had about an hour before surgery where my family took turns come in to sit with me.  I was only allowed 1 person at a time. 
Oddly enough for a hospital they were running ahead of schedule!  so about 1:40 a nurse came in to tell me they were ready for me in the operating room.  Yikes!  So I had to walk to the operating room and get up on the table myself.  Felt really weird walking in there...

There was a ton of people in the operating room, maybe 12-15 people? 
I recognized the surgeon & the anesthesiologist. 
I layed down on the table, and the anesthesiolist said he was going to give me something to relax.
And then I was out!  I thought they would have done a count down thing...but I was out really quickly, and the next thing I new I was in the recovery room.

A nurse was sitting next to me telling me that I have to breath, and that she couldn't breath for me.
I didn't quite get what she was saying.  And then they put a big steamy mask on me (ventalin?) so help open my lungs to make it easier to breath.  I thought I was breathing fine, but apparently not. 
I looked at the clock and it was 6pm.  And I would fall asleep and the nurse would wake me up telling me to breath...she was getting quite stern, and I was getting annoyed that she kept waking me up.  My mouth was SUPER dry...and it took way too much energy to talk.  THe nurse would swab my mouth and it would feel better for a few minutes.  They ended up putting a cpap mask on me that forced air in.  It was annoying because it made my dry mouth feel even worse.  At 9pm I was moved from the recovery room to a room in ICU. 

In ICU they needed me to change to a different bed...and were talking about hooking me up to a lift thing and moving me to the new bed.  I said to the doctor - wouldn't it be easier if i just got up and moved over?  He said sure, try it.  LOL  I lifted my head and that was all I could do.  So I was already on this sling thing, which I am thinking they used a lift to get me onto a bed once all ready from the operating room.  They got me onto the new bed with the lift...that hurt because it squished me up quite tight.  Once I got settled, and asked for more mouth swabs, I was able to see my family.  They didn't stay too long...said they would be back the next day.

The first night was rough...I could not get comfortable.  I couldnt move much, and my mouth was so dry.  I had a wonderful nurse...she brought me a cup of ice chips which helped the dryness.  And gave me small sips of water.  And kept me drugged up on morphine & morphine seems to make me nauseaus.  She gave me some liquid tylenol too...which was very gross tasting.  They were also concerned because my sugar level spiked quite I was put on an insulin drip.  And then all the morphine & gravol shots could not go in the iv, because it didnt mix with insulin.  So I have lots of bruises in my arms from the many shots...they tried to get a 2nd iv started, and after 8 tries they gave up.

The next morning, the surgeons resident came in, checked on me...and was concerned that I had a fever and a high heart rate, and wanted me to have a leak test.  Cut me off all more ice...which was devestating cuz my mouth & throat were still so dry.  They took out the catheter with a threaten that if I dont pee on my own in a few hours they would put it back in.  And I had to wait 6 hours for a leak test. (I thought leaks were more serious then that?!) 

The surgeon came in, and said he really didn't think I had a leak.  He said my heart rate would be way worse, and I would be in a whole lot more pain.  He was kinda humerous when he came in.  He said - gee you look like you got hit by a train!  then the nurse said - ya, and you were driving that train!  LOL this made me laugh, which hurt.  He said he still wanted me to do the leak test since it was ordered.

My hubby & mom & a friend came to visit me all at different times.  Was nice to have company.

Finally it was time to go for the leak test...i was wheeled down to xray...had to drink the most disgusting drink ever...and keep sipping it while they xrayed my stomach and we got to watch the drink travel down...and it was fine.  There was no leak.  So I was allowed to drink again!  Thank goodness because the taste from the leak test drink was horrible.

Dinner was brought to me...I was prepared by my dietitan to watch out for the food they give you in the hospital as it is not right for bariatric patients.  I got jello (not sugar free), broth, apple juice (not diluted), and beef broth.  I diluted some apple juice myself and had a few sips...and a few spoonfulls of broth and called it good.

The second night was so much better!  The nurse gave me a sleeping pill, which let me sleep 4 hours straight, then wokeup to use the washroom, which was a long way to hobble from my room.  The nurse did offer to bring in a potty, but I figured I should be up and walking anyhow.  Then I got some more pain meds and slept for another 4 hours straight.

The next morning, the surgeons resident came back again, said everything looks great and I could go home! yay!!! 

So the drain had to be removed, which was very uncomfortable.  Made me feel nauseaus.  Got some more morphine & gravol, and had a nap while I waited for my hubby to get there to take me home. 

We left the hospital at 11am.  The drive home was a little rough...all the bumps & turns hurt.
But as soon as I was home and sat in a comfy chair, I felt AWESOME. 

Every day seems a little bit better then the day before.  I still have some pain that travels from my tummy to chest, which the nurses said is gas pain, and the best thing is to walk walk walk.  So I have been working on walking, and resting.

Im excited to be in the next phase of this journey.
Still trying to figure out how much to eat and how often.  Scared to over-do just doing little bits at a time.

Will update as I go along. :)

on 11/13/11 11:16 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: support group meetings
Where is the Chilliwack one?
 How r u doing?
 VSG: AUG 17, 2011    
on 11/13/11 12:15 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Appointment with Dr. Nguyen and Dietician
Good to hear that things are going pretty well so far!!!!  Bladder infections suck big time!!!!!  Hope that you feel better soon and your dizziness goes are quickly.

Linda R.
on 11/13/11 10:49 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Topic: RE: my surgery experience Nov 7 2011
Wow Sandra that was a great run down on your surgery experince.  At least now I have a general idea of what to expect in Jan.  Yes I still am on the surgery list for Jan. 14.  Dr.S is happy with me.  Im glad you are doing good.

Cathrine J.
on 11/13/11 10:27 am - Victoria, Canada
RNY on 02/01/12
Topic: RE: syntrax samples $13
Hi.  I've just checked these out online.  Would that be $13 USD?  Did they charge you duty, etc.?

I've heard Nectar is great tasting but I've just learned it contains micellar casein and 'casein' is milk protein that flares up my psoriasis. 

Let us know what you think about them.  Thanks!

HW 262, BMI 46.2 / SW 216, BMI 38.2 / CW 183 / GW 155
*45 lbs were lost pre-op.
5' 3 1/2"

on 11/13/11 10:19 am - Canada
Topic: RE: my surgery experience Nov 7 2011
Hey Sandra!  I'm so glad everything went well.  I remember that liquid tylenol - I threw up every time!  Finally on Tuesday I refused to take it anymore.  I still get really tired quickly, so pace yourself.  I was out for 3 hours yesterday, and I'm bagged today. 

Keep in touch!

on 11/13/11 8:24 am - Canada
Topic: support group meetings
hiya all I was thinking you all might like to know that there are meetings this week..
New Westminster  7pm Thursday the 17th
Chilliwack 10 am Sat the 19th

I can post addresses if needed
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/13/11 6:01 am - Canada
Topic: Appointment with Dr. Nguyen and Dietician

Last Thursday I went for my first follow-up with Dr. Nguyen and Nooshin.  

Dr. Nguyen said that I am healing nicely, and that everything went very smoothly during the surgery.  He has no idea why I am having intermittent dizziness, since the blood work my GP ordered looks very good.   He said that it could just be my body's response to the trauma of the surgery.  He said to monitor it and see what happens.

I have to see him again in 2 weeks and then every three months as he wants to monitor my weight loss closely.  He also gave me a website to sign up for that will help chart my nutrition and weight loss. 

Next I went to see Nooshin - but it wasn't Nooshin!  She was ill, so I saw Debbie, who was very nice.  We went over the past two weeks and all of my questions and concenrs and then she went over the next stage - pureed food - with me. 

Then she weighed me and I was shocked to see that I had lost TWELVE pounds in less than 2 weeks.  She was very pleased with my progress, but said that I would not continue to lose weight at this rate - which I knew.  But it sure was nice to see those numbers - they gave me a real kickstart.

I told her that I am having issues getting all of the supplements in along with all of the food.  Sometimes I feel quite nauseous with all of the pills I have to take.  But she said to just continue trying and all will work out.

I also gave her a copy of the blood work my GP asked me to do and she said I am doing very well with the vitamins and minerals - so I must do something right!

Unfortunately I have a "raging" (my GP's words) bladder infection, so I am on antibiotics and I'm not feeling 100% right now.  But this too shall pass!

Have a good one!

on 11/13/11 1:13 am - Canada
Topic: syntrax samples $13
Hi All I got the samples I ordered from Syntrax

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/13/11 12:11 am - North Vancouver, Canada
Topic: RE: my surgery experience Nov 7 2011

Congratulations on your surgery, can't wait to hear how your weight loss journey progresses.

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