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on 11/22/11 2:53 pm
Topic: RE: 2 weeks full fluids DONE!
sounds like a really good first meal back into solids!
on 11/22/11 12:57 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 2 weeks full fluids DONE!
Mmm Salmon was for dinner.. 1 whole ounce
plus a teaspoon each of squash, sweet potatoe
as well as a small piece of califlower and one spear of asparagus

mmm it was good.... i did not finish all the veggies

true true it was 4 weeks!!!!

I am down just over 10 lbs so Michelle you ar way ahead of me there! WOW keep up the good work!!
I will most likely still have a protien shake daily tooo.

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/22/11 8:03 am
Topic: RE: 2 weeks full fluids DONE!
it was 4 WEEKS of fluids!!! lol 

2 weeks pre-op, 2 weeks post op!

Glad your onto the next stage!  Can't wait to move on too! :)
on 11/22/11 7:58 am - Fanny Bay Vancouver Island BC, Canada
Topic: RE: Anyone from Courtenay , Qualicum area
Thanks for the info
on 11/22/11 7:26 am - Canada
Topic: RE: 2 weeks full fluids DONE!
Yaaayyy!!!!  Hope that things continue to go well for you!!!!  It is so nice to get some variety in your diet and be able to try new things.  You'll have to let us know what you have for your first "real" meal.

I'm doing OK, still in this blasted stall but hoping it'll break really soon.  Managed to do 3 1/2 hours of Christmas shopping with a friend of mine today, man did that tire me out!!!  I really need a nap now.  It'll be 6 weeks on Monday and I will be able to start introducing more exercises and am really hoping that will hope me break out of this stall.

Keep us posted on how you're doing.

on 11/22/11 6:44 am - Barberton, OH
Topic: RE: 2 weeks full fluids DONE!

I also survived the two weeks of liquids. Nice isn't it? I'll still have to supplement with protien shakes for awhile, but thats ok. It's just nice to have some variety! Today was my follow-up and everything looked good...down 26 lbs since surgery, so not too shabby! Can't say I've EVER lost 26 lbs in two weeks before! I've eaten twice today and have done well. Started out with some broiled fish and then some cottage cheese. It's amazing what little it takes to fill me up now, and I'm not even really hungry. I just know I need to get used to eating again.  I'm just happy to be past the first 2 weeks! Hope all continues to go well for you!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 11/22/11 4:28 am - Canada
Topic: 2 weeks full fluids DONE!
Yippee!!    I did it , man, it wasn't easy, but it is over!

I am off to see Nooshin and get the new soft foods diet

Mmmm man I can not wait!!!

How is everyone else doing?

We have not heard from a few of you

whats happening?

hope everyone is doing well

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/22/11 4:13 am
Topic: RE: abby meeting tonight
I went, it was a great meeting!

Next meeting is Dec. 19!
on 11/22/11 4:12 am
Topic: RE: changing ways course
I think Robyn said I would be able to get into the February one.  Id like to go sooner, but I think its full!
on 11/22/11 4:11 am - Canada
Topic: RE: changing ways course
Hey there.  When I saw Robin, she said she would sign me up for the one in February.  I didn't know there was one in December.

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