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on 11/27/11 6:04 am
Topic: RE: incisions and heartburn
I have a leaky incision aswell...but it's not the one that the drain was in...I see Dr. Sampath tomorrow. Im going to ask about the acid aswell...

And I dont feel full either really. I had 1/2 cup of soup, and I think I could have had more....but should I be able to?? makes me wonder. But im not really hungry either....
on 11/27/11 3:36 am - Canada
Topic: RE: incisions and heartburn
Sorry that you're having a few issues now.  I had the leaking incision as well and after about a week with the band-aid on it was all gone, hope that you have the same results.  Heartburn just plain sucks!!!  I know that the other surgeons put their patients on pariet or something similar for at least 3 months and sometimes a year or longer, wonder why Dr. S doesn't do that??  I'm not surprised that you don't feel full!!!!  You just had major surgery on your stomach and all the nerves were cut and have to heal.  I'm 6 weeks out tomorrow and I still don't feel full (or hungry for that matter).  Keep on measuring and eating slowly, it will eventually heal and you'll start to get that full feeling again.

Take care of yourself.
on 11/27/11 2:07 am - Canada
Topic: incisions and heartburn
hi all so the other morning I woke up with my jammies sorta stuck to one of my incisions..
it was the one where the drain had been,
seems it was sorta leaking a little.. so I put a bandage on it and that seemed to make it worse
Off to the Dr. I go (my mom thought it might be infected)

I have been having trouble with heartburn daily also

I went to my local clinic

the Dr put a bandage on with antibiotic cream and said to keep it covered a few days(no infection)
he also gave me a script for nexium 40mg
I got the generic and it is working well!

good bye heartburn

I have been having soft food for the better part of a week and am having no issues with the food at all

only trouble is .. I don't really have any sensation of fullness
So not wanting to chuck, I just mostly measure and eat very slowly

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/27/11 12:50 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Back to work time
I took 3 weeks off due to a final exam I have coming up, but I could have probably gone back this coming up Monday, which would have been 2 weeks. But I literally sit at a desk and pay bills
on 11/25/11 5:57 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Back to work time
I work in a group home with mentally challenged adults and was initially told 2 weeks but that I could have 4 weeks off if I wanted.  After surgery Dr. Sampath decided on 6 weeks off for me.
on 11/25/11 4:51 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Back to work time
I worked from home 4 days after surgey and that back to work 10 days later in the office.
on 11/25/11 2:26 am, edited 11/25/11 2:29 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Back to work time
I've heard most people have about one month to six weeks off. i think it really depends on how physical your work is. I was back into the full swing of things by day six. I guess it depends how much time your doctors suggests and if you have had any complications. I was lucky and felt fantastic, plus my hubby only had one week off, so I had no choice lol. My mom told me she could help me the following week, but I ended up not needing her.
Linda R.
on 11/25/11 2:06 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Topic: Back to work time
Does anyone know how long from surgery date, before you can go back to work?  Trying to figure out all the off time I will need.

Linda R.
on 11/25/11 12:08 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Topic: RE: Another Hospital Stay
Sorry to hear things not going so well Barb.  I will Pray that this is the last of fthe problems for you.

on 11/25/11 12:06 am - Canada
Topic: RE: recipes
Hey Heather! look at you !! you have a new avatar and WOW You look great!!

how goes it?

Thanks for the other recipe places I am going to check them out right away!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
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