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on 11/29/11 3:20 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Dec 3 Langley Meeting
See ya there!
on 11/29/11 3:13 am - Canada
Topic: Dec 3 Langley Meeting
Langley WLS Support - Dec 3
Time – 10 – 12 noon
Where – Langley Memorial Hospital, Conference Room 3
lol won`t need your glasses for that

it is still not been decided if it is too be a christmas potluck
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/29/11 3:10 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Vancouver December weight loss surgery support meeting
Hi Suzanne

Unfortunately I won't be able to make the next few meetings..
Changeways program Thursday eves for 11 weeks.. I think
Hope all goes well with your echocardiogram!
Merrry Christmas n Happy n Healthy New Year to you toooo

Yay And Thanks to Margo!
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/28/11 3:14 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
Topic: Vancouver December weight loss surgery support meeting
Hi everyone

Our next Vancouver weight loss surgery support meeting will be Thursday December 1st, at 7:00 pm, at Mt. St. Joseph's Hospital, use the Prince Edward entrance, take the elevator up to the 1st floor, turn left and come down to the Sister Germaine Roy conference room.

This meeting is open to pre-ops, post-ops, spouses, support people, and anyone looking into having weight loss surgery.

As of the December meeting Margo will be leading the meetings from now on. I have had some health issues and personal losses this year and therefore, feel I need to step down from leading the meetings. I will still attend the meetings, although I won't be at the December meeting as I have an echocardiogram scheduled for that evening at another hospital.

Thank you Margo for stepping up to chair the meetings, I will let the person that we book the room with at Mt. St. Joseph's hospital know this as well, that you will be taking over the meetings.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year,

on 11/28/11 9:43 am - Canada
Topic: RE: 6 weeks post-op
Whooohooo for real food!!!!  That was such an exciting thing to accomplish!!!!  And amazing how good real food tastes when you've been on liquids for a month!!!!

I work in a group home with mentally challenged adults and so it can be pretty physically demanding.  I was glad to have to time off and be home with the kiddos, but I really need to go back to work before I kill hubby (too much time together is NOT good for the relationship, LOL).
on 11/28/11 9:03 am
Topic: RE: 6 weeks post-op
awesome on the 25lbs!
What do you do for work?

I agree time is going by too fast!!!
I had my 2 week post-op appointment today. Everythings good and Im transitioning to real food and away from all the liquids. Yipee!
on 11/28/11 6:13 am - Canada
Topic: 6 weeks post-op
I cannot believe how fast time is flying by!!!!  It's incredible to me that I am 6 weeks post-op today!!!!  I'm down about 25 lbs since surgery and am eating most foods.  I am continuing to stay away from potatoes/rice/pasta and things like that that are high in carbs.  This time has gone so fast that I'm back to work on Thursday and it seems like I just went off to have my surgery.

How is everybody else doing???  Need some updates from people.
Cathrine J.
on 11/28/11 1:25 am - Victoria, Canada
RNY on 02/01/12
Topic: RE: Dec 6 Surgery
Alas, I don't have a date yet as I still need to get the endoscopy done which Sherri says will likely be booked in January or February.  She said referral letters were sent out to the dietician and endocrinologist, too. 

Congrats on your 22 pound loss! 

I read your blog - it's great!  Love your photos but sad to read about the passing of your dog.  Have you tried thinning out the Ensure/Glucerna with water?  Maybe that will make it easier to get down.

HW 262, BMI 46.2 / SW 216, BMI 38.2 / CW 183 / GW 155
*45 lbs were lost pre-op.
5' 3 1/2"

on 11/27/11 3:00 pm - Fanny Bay Vancouver Island BC, Canada
Topic: RE: Dec 6 Surgery
Yes he does I am on day 26 and have lost 22 pds , only 9 days to go , when is your date. you can email Dr Milic's assistant Sherri anytime she will tell you everything you need to know. the pre op is only ensure and water.
Cathrine J.
on 11/27/11 2:20 pm, edited 11/27/11 2:21 am - Victoria, Canada
RNY on 02/01/12
Topic: RE: Dec 6 Surgery
Hi. I think we have the same surgeon (Dr. Malik in Victoria). Is it true he requires a 4 week pre-op liquid diet?

I was so surprised when he offered me surgery that I wasn't sure whether it was pre-op or post-op (or perhaps 1/2 and 1/2).

Good luck with everything!

HW 262, BMI 46.2 / SW 216, BMI 38.2 / CW 183 / GW 155
*45 lbs were lost pre-op.
5' 3 1/2"

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