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on 1/22/12 6:21 am - Canada
Topic: RE: She wants to "be there for me" but I don't want her negativity.
My mother still doesn`t know about my surgery as she would gossip to every neighbour around, her chiro, pharmacists, the garbage men, etc.  She just is amazed at my changed eating habits and I let her believe that Ì`ve just changed my habits (well, I have.....)

As for Seattle, I had my surgery there.  I flew down, taxi`d to the hospital, checked in and was on the table a couple of hours later.  When I was ready, I taxi`d to the plane and flew home.  I dìdn`t want or need anyone hanging around my room yakking while I was recovering.  I wanted to sleep, walk, relax, shower. 

You can always tell her that there is nothing for her to do for you while you are there and the extra time by yourself will give you a better chance to recover quickly.  By the way, if you are at Virginia Mason, they are great.  But then, everyone feels their surgeon and facility is the best!!!

Take care; you will be in fine hands!
on 1/22/12 5:45 am
Topic: RE: pure pro shakes by weider


on 1/22/12 5:45 am
Topic: RE: pure pro shakes by weider
 Any particular flavor you recommend?

on 1/22/12 12:01 am - Canada
Topic: RE: OMG! ONEderland!!!!
WAY TO GO BARB!!!!! I've been hoping to see this every day!! SO proud of you!!
on 1/21/12 1:36 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: OMG! ONEderland!!!!
Congrats!!!!  It's an absolutely amazing feeling with every pound lost!!!!  I think that we have a very similar goal, but I think that you're going to get there first since I"m a very slow looser.
on 1/21/12 9:15 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: OMG! ONEderland!!!!
OMG, I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID IT!!!!!  Less than 4 months (Oct.3rd) post-op RNY, and down by 111 pounds.  Only 49 more pounds to goal.
on 1/21/12 7:11 am - Canada
Topic: pure pro shakes by weider
On sale this week 50% off

these are pretty good ,, but expensive! So if you are wanting to have a few feady to drink shakes on hand ,, now is the time to pick some up..

Shoppers drug mart

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 1/21/12 4:30 am - Canada
Topic: RE: panniculectomy
Yes, I like Dr. Nguyen a lot ... he has been very helpful and always seems ready to answer my questions.
Your surgery day is the day before my birthday so when I am blowing out the candles on my yoghurt that day, I will think of
Yes, please do send me whatever info that you have. It's always good to have the most info possible.
If you are getting the RNY, I am sure you will soon be down that 100 lbs. I had the sleeve and am very happy with it. It doesn't seem to have the quick dramatic effects of RnY but it has been working well, I have no health or other problems with it so I am very pleased.
Take care and best of luck in your surgery and the amazing journey that follows it.
Quien quiera pescado que se moje el culo
Dec. 2010 weight 355, surgery weight 292 Current weight 199
on 1/19/12 4:43 am, edited 1/19/12 4:44 am - Canada
RNY on 03/26/12
Topic: RE: surgery wait times
After researching gastric bypass surgery for 3 years I finally was ready to start the long road until the surgery. I came upon Dr.Nguyen/Dr.Sampath doctor's office hadn't even heard of them. 
My first consult with Dr.Nguyen was May 10, 2011 and I waited about 3 months to get into see him. I went through many many appointments with an Internist, a Respitory specialist, a phsychiatrist and a nutritionist.  After a barrage of tests, it was discovered that I have mild sleep apnea, a deviated septum (my nose septum is crooked) and I have a very tender gag refelx (upper GI) otherwise my cholesterol and blood pressure are fabulous. The appointments are fairly spread out and the more you listen to every piece of advice, the better off you will be.

I was notified yesterday that my surgery is scheduled for April 10, 2012 so it took exactly 11 months from my first consult.

I heard when I was at an appointment that the wait time is over a year for either doctor now and Victoria is around 3-5 years (that is what they told my cousin anyways).

This long journey has been worth every appointment and test that I have been through. I am so excited to start the rest of my life and just be normal.

Good luck!

on 1/19/12 4:18 am - Canada
RNY on 03/26/12
Topic: RE: panniculectomy
Hi Lynne,

Congratulations for losing over 100 lbs, it must feel great!! I see you have the same surgeon as me, Dr.Nguyen he is fantastic!

I just got the news that my surgery will be April 10th and I am so very excited!

I have actually looked into the tummy tuck, I couldn't find any info on the BC Medical web page so I wrote a letter to Premier Christie Clark. I asked why the "RNY" surgery is covered but not the "after" surgery. I actually received a response back and she referred me to someone who knows the can be. The only problem is you have to be pre-approved so you need to get a form and have the surgeon fill it out stating that it is not for cosmetic reasons but rather health reasons. If you like, I can forward the e-mail he sent to me so you know too.

I am hoping that this time next year I too can say I am down 100lbs!

Thanks for the inspiration!

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