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on 2/5/12 11:35 am
Topic: RE: Started my liquid diet today
Good luck to you! One day at a time. I hope to be doing the same as you by the end of the year. On dr tangs waitlist. Keep us posted on how the diet goes.


Linda R.
on 2/5/12 10:42 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Topic: Started my liquid diet today
Day one of the presurgery diet.  I've had a few hungry moments.  But a nap helped with that, I do have a head ache for most of the aftenoon. and there was the moment at lunch when I considered mugging my roomate for her pizza.    But I did hold strong.
So now I\m done with supper and having a cup of herb tea.  I have been looking at the celery with longing though   sigh I guess I will just have to resign myself to a few weeks with no crunching.

Cathrine J.
on 2/5/12 12:47 am - Victoria, Canada
RNY on 02/01/12
Topic: RE: WOO HOO!!! ONEDERLAND!!!!!!
Congrats!  I love your photo proof, too.  What a cool idea.  Very happy for you. 

HW 262, BMI 46.2 / SW 216, BMI 38.2 / CW 183 / GW 155
*45 lbs were lost pre-op.
5' 3 1/2"

on 2/3/12 1:19 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
Topic: RE: Hospital Appointments

I did mine on tuesday and it wasn't that bad you'll have bloodwork, ECG, chest xray, weight checked, blood pressure checked. I know its tempting lol but leave the pillow at home and go walk around. Between the appointments I slipped over to Garrett to see Nooshin for a few mins.
I found meeting with RN reassuring but I met with internist I discovered how much say he has on whether to go ahead or delay you. I had a hairy moment but I am all a go.

AAh yes the very delish liqiuds LOL kidding it's really not so bad actually I am drinking my last protein shake for day right now.

Dr Ali Zentner I found her to be real nice friendly quite different from other Drs Ive met before.   

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 2/3/12 1:02 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: Hospital Appointments
Hi Karen:
Hope all goes well for your pre-admit hospital appointments.  It is amazing how fast the time seems to fly by. 
Good Luck, Barb  Friesen
on 2/3/12 9:13 am - Canada
Topic: Langley WLS Support Meeting
just a reminder that there is a meeting on Saturday Feb 4 (tomorrow)
10 am
Langley Hospital Conference room #3
See you all there!!
If you have not been ,please let us know you are coming... it can be a bit of a struggle to find the room if you dont knwo where it is..

One of us will be happy to guide you in

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 2/3/12 9:10 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Hospital Appointments
that is great! you will not need a pillow... not too much waiting around... good walking shoes.. lol are better.. you have to go all over that hospital to see everyone.. it is a blessing to have it all in one day...
 good luck  ,, you can do it,,, the liquids arent that much fun,, but  it truly is just a short period you will see....

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 2/3/12 5:10 am - Canada
RNY on 03/26/12
Topic: Hospital Appointments

I just got called from Richmond hospital, they have scheduled my hospital appts for March 6! She told me I need to be there for about 4 hours! Maybe I should bring a pillow....I guess it is so long because I have to have all of the tests. Internist first, Nurse scond and Anasthesiologist last.
I get to start my liquid yummy's on March 11, Nooshin will be planning that with me on the 24th of this month. I already have my appointments booked for my post op weigh ins....they don't waste anytime do they?? LOL

It feels so great to be moving right along......I can't wait until the day finally arrives! It is so nice that most of you have the same doctor and nutritionist.....I just say a name and you know who I mean! hahahaha

I have to meet with Dr.Zentner once more on March 7th as she is away for this whole month.

Have a great week everyone!! 


on 2/1/12 2:23 pm, edited 2/1/12 2:24 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
Topic: RE: Richmond appointments
Well Nooshin has a busy day on the 16th.. I see her too at 3:30. I haven't confirmed yet if I am going to leave that eve or next afternoon but I'll be 10 days post op that day

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 1/31/12 9:27 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: Surgery date moved...

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!  You will be on the loser's bench very soon.

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