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on 3/13/12 4:19 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Support group in Prince George
Hi I just joined this forum. I am expecting my first visit with the surgen in Richmond and would love to talk to all. Its great to know there are others from PG and surrounding communities that have or are going thru this. I am both scared and excited about the surgery.
on 3/10/12 1:08 pm
Topic: RE: Support group in Prince George
 Sure we could get together for coffee and see how it goes.


Linda G.
on 3/10/12 1:04 am, edited 4/8/12 6:24 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Waiting for surgery with Dr.A
I am right in there with you my friend, I too have been seeing Dr. Amson for what seems like years now. Both my daughter and I first started with him in September of 2009, and just like you not even a prospective date or time frame in sight. He sees us pretty much every 3 months, due to my daughters extenuating cir****tances, she has very severe health issues due to her obesity and she is litterally sick all the time. (she is only 20 and has not had the opportunity to even start her life yet.) Anyways, in all the frustration of going no where, I found out through my sister in law who works as an ICU nurse in the Richmond hospital that she knew of a Dr Nguyen there who also does the weight loss surgeries. So we got a pretty fast appointment with him, I think we waited about 3 months for the first consult, and we have just had our first appointment with him. What an awesome man!!!! I am so impressed, yes he says that we should both have our surgeries completed with a year, but he did stress that we have to go through his team of professionals and their demands before we could get a set date. But this is all necessary stuff from what I can see, and NONE of this had been any part of Dr. Amsons routine with his patients. We will have access and be made to see a nutritionist, a sleep apnea clinic for testing, an exercyse physiologist, and a gambut of others.  All of which I do agree are actually neccessary for someone wanting to have weight loss surger. Get your name on their list if you are in the Vancourver/Richmond/Lower mainland area, and just have the consult and see what you think. Their wait time from consult to surgery is supposed to be a maximum of 6 months to 1 year if you complete the circut of the other things they have their patients do before getting a date. What have you got to loose. (PS. I have been told in Feb, 2012, that Dr. Amson is just now starting on his 2006 patients.  There is hope.  Also, I think that with alot of work on our family doctors part, and letters from her specialists to dr. Amson and also a recommendation from Dr. Amson, my dauhter will be very soon (like within the next 2 months) having the province pay for her to have her bypass surgery in Bellingham, USA )  IT CAN BE DONE!!!! 
Just for infomation sake, I am right behind you, I am 53, and feeling the pressure of life slipping away every day that I am not able to enjoy it!
Heather Q.
on 3/9/12 7:12 am - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Topic: RE: Vancouver WLS Support Meeting
Hi there,

My names Heather and I'm one month out from having my Gastric sleeve.  I'd like to attend one of the meetings, when exactly are they? My work schedule blocks me from attending many of these ( I work nights) but I think I need the support. Let me know a.s.a.p please. Thanks !
on 3/9/12 2:12 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Support group in Prince George
 I think that would great!I would depend on day and time because I would be coming from For St James.The info Igot fron Victoria bariatric was as follows:Northern BC WLS Support Group meets in Prince George. Contact Becky at [email protected] for more details. But the email didn't work for me.
I also know of a lady that in December had her surgery,she is from Vanderhoof.
 Let me know if,when and where,and I'll try to be there.
Thanks Linda 

Linda R.
on 3/9/12 12:32 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Topic: RE: Support group in Prince George
hey Julie,

there are no support groups here that I know of, very unfortunate.  Maybe you and shanti and I should start one?  What do you say girls.  I'm game

on 3/8/12 7:06 am - Maple Ridge, Canada
Topic: RE: Dr. Jaimie Ponce DeLeon at the INT Hospital in Tijuana Mexico?
He is a great surgeon, I had the sleeve done last july 4/11 and you go down there straight to the hospital 3 days later you are heading home.  There is minor discomfort due to gas the next day but you just walk it out. 

I recommend taking some beginner spanish so you can communicate some with the nurses.  Some speak english.  And my sister and I both had it done and we survived without the knowledge of spanish. 

My sister lives in burnaby, bc and she is now a patient coordinator, if you are interested she is also on OB.  Her name is Darlis Dupuis, look her up.

Since my surgery I have lost 60 lbs. and feel great.

on 3/8/12 12:58 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Referral, now what
Hi Niki, congrats on taking this life saving step!!!  I started seeing Dr. S in April 2011 and I had my surgery October 17, 2011.  I was told by his office staff at my last appt. in Feb that their wait for an initial appt. is now approx 1 year, since you live at the coast you could always call their office and ask to be put on a cancellation list to try to get in soon.  Check out their previsit sheet on their website getting_started.pdf is their main website and you can find all kinds of info about the docs and their program.

Good luck, Jayna
on 3/7/12 3:20 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
Topic: RE: Post Surgery Recovery
For me the drugs used during my VSG surgery knocked my out for hours day of surgery and part of first day post op in ICU. I was very slow moving but up walking by time I was moved to a ward. I won't lie to you I was super exhausted and in good deal of pain but thankfully after the drain was removed it slowly improved. I only stayed in hospital two days and then released. I was still very exhausted at 6 days out, I realized it was the pain meds doing it all. I was stiff and sore but had no real constant pain so I stopped them. Since then I've been up and more mobile then ever before with plenty of energy to spare.        

Hope this helps you!

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 3/7/12 1:32 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Cholectomy secondary to Bariatric Surgery
 It also seems to depend on whether you have had problems will gallstones before or not. Many of us have as the same lifestyle that got us fat, gave us gallstones.
I was told since I had had issues, better to take it out as getting to it later, post surgery, would be more of an issue.
Anyhow, it's gone, I'm fine. No worries.
Not everyone may feel that way.
Quien quiera pescado que se moje el culo
Dec. 2010 weight 355, surgery weight 292 Current weight 199
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