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on 3/21/12 5:10 am - Richmond, Canada
Topic: RE: yahoo
Great wor****ep up the great success!
on 3/20/12 12:51 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: yahoo
Great job!!!  Keep up the good work!!!!
on 3/20/12 10:22 am
Topic: RE: yahoo
Excellent! How are you feeling and what and how much are you eating?


on 3/20/12 8:44 am
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: Drs Sampath & Nguyen - wait list & abdomioplasty cost
 stopped into their office today to make sure my referral had been rec'd and to confirm the waitlist - it is about a year to first consult. I know someone her already said that but I was hoping it was wrong!

they do have my referral - had a really nice chat with the receptionist, tried to impress upon her that living and frequently working in Richmond means I'm available for last minute cancellations...

I doubt it will help, but it was worth a shot.

Ugh - I don't want to wait a year, although it does give me time to save for the post-weight loss plastics (or tropical vacation if plastics aren't needed)

While I was at my plastic surgeon's office today I asked the office manager about abdominoplasty costs (he doesn't do panniculectomies) - its about $12000 including taxes and overnight stay at Cambie Surgery...
on 3/20/12 8:35 am
VSG on 07/18/13
on 3/20/12 6:20 am - Kamloops, Canada
Topic: Nerves about consultation
Off to see Dr Malik in Victoria tomorrow.  I am anxious.  I am worried that he will say I am not committed enough or not a candidate.  I am worried that he will send me away to lose a ton of weight and I won't be able to.  I am worried that if I do get the surgery, I will let myself down and not take care of myself.  Once again, I am imagining the worst before anything even happens. 
I keep thinking of myself as "unique" or "special" and that it won't work for me.  That is such a flaw in my thinking.  I am trying hard to embrace the positive.
I even make excuses/ worry that if I start restricting or altering my diet that my blood sugars will be impacted.  Meanwhile, I am on a fairly high dose of insulin twice a day. 
Has anyone else had these worries or anxieties?  If so, how did you deal with them?
on 3/20/12 5:53 am - Richmond, Canada
Topic: RE: yahoo
Great wor****ep it up!
Linda R.
on 3/20/12 5:19 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Topic: yahoo
Yahoo   Lost 29 lbs since surgery.

on 3/18/12 1:24 pm - Richmond, Canada
Topic: RE: Did anyone watch "The Real Skinny" on Monday?
I saw it and found it very graphic. Lucky for me I have always worked out and have no skin issues. Just will need a boob lift :).

on 3/17/12 11:08 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Not sure if I trust Dr. Sampath? And Smoking Cessation.
Several people have used him for their surgeries and they seem to come through all right.  So, if you are concerned about the actual surgery, I don't think that should be any problem.

Sometimes people just don't click.  Don't worry too much about it as long as you can get it done.  I don't have any support here as I was done OOC, so I use the web to find the support I need/want and also I go to monthly meetings.  It's enough for me and hopefully you will be able to find support through other sources.

Did you know that if you go through HealthLink BC (phone 8-1-1) and register with them, you get three months' free smoking cessation items, such as the nicotine patch?

Give them a call and discuss it with one of the nurses; they are a valuable resource!  BTW, they are licensed nurses and can triage and answer pretty well any questions you can put past them on ANY medical procedure.  
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