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on 3/25/12 9:05 am
VSG on 02/06/12
Topic: RE: keep forgetting to ask...

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 3/25/12 7:21 am - Canada
Topic: Looking for members in PG and area
Hi I live in PG and can"t find the members in our area. Please let me know who you are so I can had you to my friends list. I should be seeing my surgen in Richmond late spring early summer. Lets chat.
on 3/24/12 5:08 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
Topic: RE: premier ready to drink shakes from Costco
VANILLA??? Hmmm.... I'll be willing to try out a vanilla. I cannot seem to find anything but chocolate.

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 3/24/12 2:49 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: keep forgetting to ask...
 someone who knows about this board was staying at my husband's hotel (holiday inn) a couple of weeks ago before an appointment with Dr Nguyen and was telling him him awesome the surgery was...and how OH was a great board.  I couldn't say a virtual 'hi' at the time cuz it was just after my hand surgery.

if it was one of you, "hi"! 

on 3/24/12 2:20 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: yahoo
Hi Linda:
You are doing GREAT.  Support from others is very helpful.  I know you will have a lot of success. 
See you in May, Barb
on 3/24/12 2:02 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: premier ready to drink shakes from Costco
I have both the chocolate and the vanilla Premier Shakes.  I will be at Garrat Centre on Monday, April 2nd, at approx, 4:30 PM.  I will be in Richmond again on April 17th, from about 9:45 AM to about  3PM.  Let me know if that would work for you.
on 3/24/12 2:02 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: RE: Drs Sampath & Nguyen - wait list & abdomioplasty cost
 yeah, I'm happy about the level of support I'll be getting...and like Dr Freedhoff was telling me, this time gives me the opportunity to really cement changes and learn to like protein-dense foods.

(that's one of my biggest problems - I've never been fond of protein rich foods like meat, but I never went vegetarian because I also dislike meat substitutes!)

I knew breast reduction was covered where medically indicated, wasn't sure about panni.  I'm still not sure about panni, even if covered - most times you lose your navel and while I don't need it, it does provide a handy road map in the dark...*lol*

on 3/24/12 1:48 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: RE: premier ready to drink shakes from Costco
 that might be easier than having sexy_me have to pack them in her bag...

(although I'm all in favour of still meeting up with her just to say hi!)

This wed would work well - I'm off work til Apr 10!

on 3/24/12 5:26 am
Topic: RE: Not sure if I trust Dr. Sampath? And Smoking Cessation.
Im not a smoker either, so I can't help you with that question.

But I did have a reaction with the anesthetic that made breathing really difficult after surgery.  And I think if I had been a smoker, that reaction would have been way worse.  So I do think it is in your best interest for safety to quit as far before surgery as possible.  I know not everyone has reactions, but you never know what could happen.

As for Dr. Sampath, he has rubbed me the wrong way a few times aswell. 
But overall, I am happy with him.  He performed my surgery and says he will do life-long follow up care which is what I want.  I dont want to have the surgery and then be booted out and never see the surgeon again.  I like being held accountable to someone.

And all doctors seem to run late.  My last appointment with Dr. Sampath he was 45 minutes late. However my last appointment with my GP he was over an hour late.  It is extremely frustrating, I get that.  But I wouldn't let that change going through this process.  It is all totally worth it!  And I would do it again in a second.
on 3/24/12 5:18 am
Topic: RE: Nerves about consultation
How did your appointment go?

When I first started my weightloss sugery journey, I saw Dr. Malik, and the appointment did not go well.  (I do know of others who have gone with him and had no problems). 

All your worries and concerns are totally normal. 
It's all these head games that we play with ourselves.

I know with Dr. Sampaths program, there is an Occupational Therapist who we can talk to about all this kind of stuff.  And they have some group courses & 1 on 1 sessions that really do help.  Im not sure if Dr. Malik has these kind of things aswell...but might be something to look into.
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