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on 3/29/12 8:55 am
Topic: RE: Referral, now what
oh yes, I also forgot to mention -  I am in Abbotsford. 
And there is a monthly Weight Loss Surgery support group in Abbotsford as well as Chilliwack.  If you would like more info on that aswell let me know.
on 3/29/12 8:54 am
Topic: RE: Referral, now what
I too have heard its about a year wait until first consultation.

I think there are some things you could be doing now to get a head start on what they will ask you to do.

Make an appointment with The Garrett Wellness center in Richmond.  The dietician there is Nooshin.  There is also a class there you can take called Winning at Loosing.  It would give you a great head start.

Also start making a food & exercise journal.  Document everything you eat...the best program to do this is  Once you get in to see the surgeons & dieticians, they ask to see your journal at every if you already have a routine of doing that it will show your dedication.

Any other questions, feel free to PM me :)
on 3/29/12 8:46 am
Topic: RE: Post Surgery Recovery
I was in the hospital for 2 nights after VSG....
And then was pretty tender for about 2 weeks.  It took a few days to be able to lie down in my bed, I slept in a recliner chair. 

But looking back, its all such a short amount of time, and sooooo worth it!

on 3/29/12 7:30 am
Topic: RE: One day down...
liquids are tough....especially the first few days.  But it does get easier, and it is SOOOOOOO worth it! 

I actually know another lady who is having the sleeve surgery by Dr. Nyguen on April 10th aswell!
I will get in touch with her and see if it's alright if I pass her information on to you.  

I'll direct her to this forum aswell...Im not sure she has ever been on it.

Its nice to have a surgery buddy :)
on 3/29/12 7:28 am
Topic: RE: NSV
Awesome job on the running!!

My latest NSV is going to a play on the weekend, and I was so nervous about the seating...Ive been in this audotorium before, and the seating did not work.  So I was planning on just standing in the back.  But I went and sat in a seat, and I fit!!
on 3/29/12 4:43 am - Canada
Topic: RE: NSV
Congrats!!!  That is a big NSV.  Running is a no go for me but I love to hear about how others that have had this surgery are doing and it seems like so many are taking up running and doing races.

I had a NSV when I went to the lab this morning to get my 6 month bloodwork done.  The woman that came to take my blood has taken my blood for years and she didn't even recognize me sitting in the waiting room!!!!  She was totally shocked at the change in how I look.  Too bad the weight loss hasn't improved my veins any.
on 3/28/12 12:20 pm - Canada
Topic: NSV
So I am about 4.5 months out from surgery, and today was a massive NSV for me!

I am training to do a 10k race come this fall, and I want to complete 2 half marathons next year... so today on the treadmill I accomplished 20 minutes straight running, and out of a 45 minute workout, 36 minutes were running. TOTAL NSV for me... and one I am proud of.

So guys, let's hear some of your NSV's! 
on 3/28/12 8:34 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Topic: RE: premier ready to drink shakes from Costco

I will bring you one of each to try.  I have a meeting at Garrat from 5 - 6 PM, but will be there at about 4:30PM.  I will be in the room, on the right  side of the hallway, just past the kitchen.  You will be unable to contact me during the meeting, so if you are late, you might catch me after 6PM, before before I leave Garrat.  Premier shakes are available at Costco Canada (chocolate only), at Costco US (chocolate & vanilla), or directly from Premier, on line  (chocolate, vanilla, & strawberry).  

on 3/28/12 1:43 am, edited 3/28/12 1:43 am - Canada
Topic: RE: premier ready to drink shakes from Costco
Yeah... I thought that about the banana as well...can't stand the 'chemically' type after taste.  But to me, it doesn't have that.  But, all our tastebuds are different, so hard to say.  Maybe because I add the Silk Chocolate it makes the taste so much less banana-y and more of a milk shake flavour.....?

Hm!  Never had Popeye's tell me that a sample won't be available for any reason; I've always gotten a taste of the one I asked about.  hm...

I'll let you know if/when they get the Pink Grapefruit in!
Heather Q.
on 3/27/12 5:35 pm - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Topic: One day down...
Well, I made it through my 1st day of liquid diet, geez, never thought I'd miss bread as much as I do. LOL
Have to keep telling myself why I'm doing this and that this is an important part of the process, so " suck it up buttercup, and deal with it" lol

I'm having my sleeve on April 10th, is there anyone else? If so, do you want to become buddies and support one another? Would love the help and commradery that goes with someone else who's going through this.

Had my last supper/food funeral on Monday with a girlfriend..goodbye sushi rolls, it was good times but I have to move on. Keep telling myself that maybe one day I can still have sashimi. Oh, I hope that's true. BTW, does the food fixation gradually diminish as one goes through liquid diet? If it doesn't, it could be a bit of a long n bumpy ride. Thanks for listening to me vent.

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