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on 5/4/12 8:03 am - Canada
RNY on 03/26/12
Topic: RE: Stabbing Pain in my left side
Thanks for the advice! I called Dr.Nguyen's office yesterday and actually spoke directly to him. He squeezed me in for an appointment on Tuesday, he is so busy he has surgery and meetings and I am thankful I was able to get in so quickly. 

He thinks it may be a hernia but without seeing me he can't tell for sure, I may have to have a CT scan. I hope it is just mending pains and it just goes away....I really do not want to go under the knife again!

I also would rather be safe than sorry and they told me to call them with any issues so I took them up on it!

Thanks again, I will update after Tuesday as I am sure other people have or are experiencing the same issues.




on 5/4/12 8:03 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Wait times

Hi. I just saw Dr. Nguyen yesterday for my first consult. I really liked him very friendly, I felt like I was talking to my brother. He answered all my questions but now I have alot more, next visit.
I was refered late last spring. He told me to expect about 6 months for surgery faster if you follow every instruction to a tee. I don't have as much wait to lose, I am 252 but I too have high blood pressure and ostoarthitics.  Tell him to start now just by cutting out little things will help and to do some sort of exercise. I can only walk for 10 min. but it is a start.  Best wishes to both of you. Karen

on 5/4/12 7:48 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Stabbing Pain in my left side
Karen  I also agree it is better to be safe than sorry. I had a doctor tell me one time they would rather see me and tell me it was nothing than see me in emergency. Please take care.   Karen
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/12 7:24 am - Stone Mountain, GA
RNY on 04/10/12
Topic: RE: Stabbing Pain in my left side
 If I were you, just to be on the safe side I would call your surgeons office and let them know exactly whats going on, even if it's after hours there is some one on call. So please don't take any changes especially since it's been going on for some time now. 

Hope you feel better and MAKE THE CALL :)
on 5/3/12 7:18 am - Canada
RNY on 03/26/12
Topic: RE: Wait times

Good for your husband for getting through the first step. I was at the surgeons office last week and the receptionist was answering phone inquiries and she said the wait times are 1 to 1.5 years to get a consult once they receive the referral. If your husband is in bad shape your GP may want to stress that on the referral.

My surgeon was Dr.Nguyen and he is fabulous. As Nikkal said there are a whole lot of steps to go through and from my initial appointment it took me 10 months to get the surgery. I am now 6 weeks out and have lost nearly 40 lbs but it is by no means easy.

I wish your husband all the best and good luck in his journey!



on 5/3/12 7:13 am - Canada
RNY on 03/26/12
Topic: Stabbing Pain in my left side

I am now just about 6 weeks out and I am experiencing terrible pain in my left side. It all started when I sneezed one just started off so painful. It was getting better until about a week later when yup you guessed it I sneezed again. Now the pain is so intense sometimes that I can't bend, take really deep breaths, sleep on my side (that is my favorite) or even sit comfortably for a long period of time. It hurts when I walk so I have to push in the area so the pain isn't as bad. It makes me feel nauseous and I really don't have much of an appetite (I think I am surviving on Arrowroot cookies and Asian pears right now). I read a few things that said it was the slowest part to heal because that is where the camera went in and the area is more sensitive but I have also read that someone had a twisted bowel.

If any of you have ever experienced this I would really appreciate a little advice. I really want to get back to exercising but I can't do anything with this pain.

If I need to I will call Dr. Nguyen's office but I am hoping that it is something normal!

Thanks I really appreciate it!


on 5/3/12 5:02 am
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: RE: Wait times
 I was referred to Dr Sampath in late February of this year. I was told by their office (he shares with Dr Nguyen) that the wait list for the initial consult was about 10 months. From there it depends on you (or your husband in this case). Others here who are further along can tell you more about timelines.

what I've learned here and from their website is that you have to have a number of blood and diagnostic tests. You have to see the dietician and take an 8 week class. You have to consult with physical and occupational therapists. You have to start a 'traditional' weight loss effort and journal it all. You may have to consult with a psychiatrist. If you smoke, you have to quit and be 'clean' for some length of time. You have to read Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies.

you can do some of this before the consult - that's what I'm doing now. Both doctors will refuse to operate if you don't follow their rules, and no one gets a surgery date until the doc thinks you're ready for it.

I'm guessing that it could take anywhere from a few months to a over a year after the consult...

on 5/2/12 8:50 am
Topic: Wait times
Hi all.

I know this has been done before but not recently.  My husband has just been referred for gastric bypass surgery.  Our GP was unsure of wait lenghts. 

Can anyone share how long they waited from first being referred to having the actual surgery.
Is it shorter if its more extreme.

He weighs about 450 pounds and has diabetes and high blood pressure.  He has tried many times to lose weight  and has been successful but it never stayed off and always came back with a lot more. 

We are just wondering how long the whole process will take?
on 5/1/12 4:15 pm - Coquitlam, BC, Canada
VSG on 08/13/12
Topic: RE: Pre-op exercise -- I want to start hiking!
 I should be there early (before 5) so I'll pm you my number and you can call or text me when you arrive! 
I used vancouvertrails to make my list, love it! And thanks for Richmond link =))
             HW: 401 --- 1st Consult: 373 --- SW: 333, lost 68lbs total pre-op!!!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

on 5/1/12 4:01 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: RE: Pre-op exercise -- I want to start hiking!
 If you want to meet a bit early we can take a quick stroll tomorrow if it's nice before class - just let me know! I can't stay late, I have something downtown afterwards.

I can give you the URLs tomorrow too, but I should post them here too:

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