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on 6/13/12 4:19 pm - Coquitlam, BC, Canada
VSG on 08/13/12
Topic: RE: Pre-op exercise -- I want to start hiking!
 Oh neat!! That sounds like fun, do you know what it's called?  

On Tuesday I did my longest hike yet -- 6km following the Shoreline trail to and from Rocky Point Park in Port Moody!  It had some ups and downs, stairs and narrow boardwalks, and I can't believe I survived...It took my friend and I about 2 hrs, and I wanted to saw my left leg off by the end of it, but it was so incredible to say I did it and feel that rush at the end as I got close to my car!!! I'm doing another one tomorrow, this time around Deer Lake in Burnaby which is about 5km :) 

             HW: 401 --- 1st Consult: 373 --- SW: 333, lost 68lbs total pre-op!!!

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on 6/13/12 10:47 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Support Group In Surrey Area
you can go over to
they have a list of all the support groups in BC i think

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
Heather Q.
on 6/13/12 2:17 am - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Topic: RE: Disgusting topic but need an answer please..
Hello Lynn,

Thanks for replying. I had read a number of articles here in regards to "dumping" and from what I gather VSG's react differently than other WLS procedures. I just wanted to see if any of the vets here could relate and give me a definitive answer.  I figured I had the "foamies", had them a couple of times before too, and the usual culprit was eating too fast/not chewing. I think the "dumping" may have been that I had eaten too much fat, as my body has been weaned off it for a few months now. Still really nasty and I'm in no rush to experience either again anytime soon! Lessons learned, I hope.

Take care and I wish you all the best too!

on 6/12/12 2:45 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Disgusting topic but need an answer please..
I think the nausea/salivating is what people refer to as the 'foamies' as in sort of foaming at the mouth. I've had it a couple of time, generally when I eat too fast or if I feel full but can't resist that last couple of bites.... arrrgghghhh... nasty feeling. It hasn't happened lots to me, but a couple of times I've wound up just spitting and spitting into the sin****il all the massive amount of spit has gone.
I've never had the food go right through though and I think that might be dumping. I'm sure someone has posted on this site with more details so search 'dumping' and I'll bet you have your answers. 
Best of luck for the future!
PS: we had the same doctor
Quien quiera pescado que se moje el culo
Dec. 2010 weight 355, surgery weight 292 Current weight 199
Heather Q.
on 6/12/12 9:02 am - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Topic: Disgusting topic but need an answer please..
Hello all,

This question is aimed at the vets who have had the VSG, but I'll gladly take any ones input. 

It's about dumping. Long and short, I have tried to be very regimented about what I eat. I have only been sleeved for 2 months and while I'm not perfect, I try to stick as close to diet as possible.
However, last night my family and myself were treated to dinner by some friends, and they arranged for us to eat at a Chinese restaurant.  Immediately red flags started going up as I'm aware Chinese food can be carb and fat laden fare. Since we were be treated, I felt it wasn't my place to question the restaurant, so I decided to go along and try to make the healthiest choices I could, and opt to eat an extra small amount. Needless to say, a lot of unhealthy options were ordered so I gravitated to the proteins ( seafood, chicken ) and mixed veggies. I did a very small amount of chow mein (less than a 1/4 cup) and boy, do I regret that!
It all tasted lovely till it hit my stomach. Within 10 mins I got a little nauseous, and couldn't stop salivating. Thought, " Omg..what have I done?" I tried not to show my discomfort and sipped a little Chinese tea. The nausea gradually subsided but soon after my guts let me know they were not amused. We got home just in time and I spent 15 mins in the bathroom. Dinner ran through me like a freight train...ugh. My poor tummy still feels a bit off, though I have eaten a little today.

So, my question. Is this considered dumping? From what I've read, I had some of the symptoms, but not as bad as some described. All I know is I won't repeat that again, and if I'm dumb enough to repeat it, it won't be anytime soon! Thank you for any info!

on 6/8/12 12:44 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Have a consultation booked with Dr. Sampath but uneasy about surgery
 My BMI is actually 39. My height is something like 5.025" feet which is hard to put onto a website. But anyways, I will take advantage of the consultation. A year has gone by since I put in a request for the appointment, so I won't cancel it now :) Dr. Sampath has cancelled my appointment though until next month. It's the second time he's had to cancel it. I'm not upset about it though. He has other specialties than just weight loss surgery and more urgent cases. My nerves are on edge though. 

I hope you get your consultation date faster than I got mine! Best wishes!
on 6/8/12 12:11 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: RE: Have a consultation booked with Dr. Sampath but uneasy about surgery
 I get it - surgery is drastic, scary and in the case of the sleeve, permanent.

MSP doesn't cover the lapband for very good reasons - it's success rate is very low and it's complicationion rate is astronomical. It's not meant to be permanent either, and may require repeated "fills".  Complications with the sleeve, on the other hand are very low, about the same as any intestinal surgery. The RNY is also very successful and is still the 'gold standard' although I think the sleeve will overtake it soon.

with a BMI of 37, you may not be eligible for surgery anyway, depending on your comorbidities.

even if you don't have surgery, you should try the required weight loss class "winning at losing" with Dr Sampath's dietician. Its quite good and is available at the Garratt Wellness Centre in Richmond.

take full advantage of the consultation - I'm envious, given how long I'm going to have to wait for mine!
on 6/6/12 7:58 am - Surrey, Canada
Topic: RE: Pre-op exercise -- I want to start hiking!
There is a great trail off of 68th in Delta, we can bring out dogs, and it has different levels.
Last weekend I did 2.5 miles, but that was up, down, over and lots of obsticals
on 6/6/12 7:53 am - Surrey, Canada
Topic: RE: The things you learn along this journey..
Good for you!!!!

I also beat myself up about a weight gain. It's only 10 lbs, but I keep thinking, that's all it took before...the first ten, then the second, then.........

It's very hard to get over our bad habits but your doing great!

on 6/6/12 7:46 am - Surrey, Canada
Topic: RE: Questions...
Hello, I'm 2 years post op, with Dr Malik of Victoria. West Coast Bariatric just started doing the surgeries in the last year I believe.
My son is trying to get in and was told it would take a year to SEE the doctors there.

The main doctors who are (started) doing this surgery are Dr Amson in Victoria - he's the #1 doctor and his wait is four years or so. There's also another doctor in his office, can't think of his name off hand and Dr.  Malik.

My total wait time was about four years.

Go to and see the different doctors, and see the testing you'll need done. There are several specialist you'll need to see. Also pick up "weight loss for dummies"

Good luck!

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