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on 9/29/12 3:21 am
Topic: RE: Attn: All patients in BC, pre-op and post-op!!!
 Thats awful news! I was with dr tang but decided a week ago to go to mexico. I am booked for oct 23rd. 


on 9/28/12 1:02 pm - Coquitlam, BC, Canada
VSG on 08/13/12
Topic: Attn: All patients in BC, pre-op and post-op!!!

Hey everyone,

I do not like being the bearer of bad news, but we need to work together and get some help here…brace yourselves. 

I don’t know if many of you have heard, but it has recently come to my attention that there are NO MORE DATES being given out for WLS through the Richmond bariatric program with Dr. Sampath or Dr. Nguyen.  The funding for this program has been cut and there are no more surgeries scheduled after October at this time. 

For those of you just finding out, I am incredibly sorry for having to share this news with you.  For those of you who already knew, I am also sorry to think of how this might be affecting you and your families at this time. 

Some of you may be waiting for your first consultation at this time, or just beginning to go through the battery of tests and appointments required in this program.  To you I say please, please, please do NOT give up.  This program changed my life long before I had my surgery and I can’t begin to stress how valuable the experience was in preparing me.  I know the pre-op waiting period is a rollercoaster of difficult emotions and struggles, but there is hope and value in learning about yourself and making changes as you go before having this surgery. 

We all have unique stories and experiences that have brought us to where we are on this journey.  For me, it took 7 years to find the right surgeon…when I decided to switch to Dr. Sampath, it wasn’t because I knew my surgery would come up sooner (although that was an exciting thought I considered).  What “sealed the deal" for me was knowing that I would be safe and taken care of with West Coast Bariatrics…my post-op care is guaranteed and there is a whole team of specialists willing to help me at any given time with whatever issues or obstacles I may encounter along the way.  That, to me, showed a dedication to my health and well-being that I had never experienced with any health professionals before.  It was a promise to look out for my best interests and it was definitely the turning point and deciding factor for me. 

For those of us who have already had this surgery, I’d like to ask that we take a moment and think about how different our lives would be if we hadn’t done this.  Those of us who had the opportunity to go through West Coast bariatrics know what tools and experiences are being withheld from countless others in this province who need their help.  I also know that there are many individuals who had their surgery in other parts of BC or out-of-province who have shared how they wish they had a program like this to support them before and after surgery. Some of you even have friends and family on the waitlist for the Richmond program and I can only imagine how difficult this news has been to deal with.  We all have different issues and histories that brought us to the point of needing this surgery; it is unfair and ridiculous that anyone should be deprived of a life-changing weight loss surgery when there are capable, successful, and willing professionals who want to fight for us.  

So to all of you, I’d like to ask for some help. 

The team of specialists at WCB are doing everything they can to support patients through other branches of their program, but they are stressing the importance of reaching out and contacting our Minister of Health in BC and speaking to our MLA’s.  They believe that we can make an impact by speaking out in volumes and showing the government that its constituents care enough to demand a change.  I am not a political person in any way, but this is an issue that directly affects me and many of my loved ones so I cannot bear to sit idly by.  Many of us in the support group for WCB patients on Facebook have already written letters and sent emails or been in direct contact with our MLA’s.  At this time, anything helps! Some of us are reaching out to the media as well.  Family members, co-workers, friends…anyone who knows about you, your struggles, and the value of this surgery can help us make a difference if they are willing to take the time to send an email or letter.  

To contact our Minister of Health, Margaret MacDiarmid, please email her directly at [email protected]

To get in touch with your local MLA, please visit to find them on the list of BC’s Legislative Assembly.  Email them, mail letters, place a call and speak with them...anything! 

Once again, I apologize for having to bring this up and hope that many of you will reach out to the support systems in your life (i.e. friends, family, support groups, health professionals) to deal with any issues this may bring up.  

Thank you for getting this far, I appreciate your consideration and hope that we can help West Coast Bariatrics get back its funding so it can keep changing lives and making a difference in the WLS community.  


[email protected]

             HW: 401 --- 1st Consult: 373 --- SW: 333, lost 68lbs total pre-op!!!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

on 9/27/12 10:34 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 1 week since surgery
Well done Karen. I was 57 when I had my sleeve done with Nguyen and also highly impressed with him and his team, how close to painless the surgery recovery was and the results now more than a year later. I hope the very best for you and take care of yourself.
Quien quiera pescado que se moje el culo
Dec. 2010 weight 355, surgery weight 292 Current weight 199
on 9/25/12 8:33 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
Topic: RE: Will It ever happen?
YES Almost! LOL 

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 9/25/12 7:28 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
Topic: RE: Will It ever happen?
I waited four years with Tang, MJ is great but I really don't believe it is up to the hospital. When I had my surgery, I know there was at least 12 ppl in front of me waiting for surgery, but after 'harrasing' MJ by phoning every two months, and a visit with Tang where I told him I was very ready for this surgery, I some how jumped to the top of the list and had my surgery within 2 months after that visit. ?? Keep in touch with the office don't worry, I think it really shows them how serious you are! Let them know you will jump at any cancellation if there was one. It is amazing how many ppl don't take surgery dates! Hang in there!
on 9/25/12 4:11 am
VSG on 07/18/13
Topic: RE: Will It ever happen?
 yay - you're almost here!
on 9/24/12 10:15 am - Port Coquitlam, Canada
Topic: RE: 1 week since surgery
I am 60 and having my surgery on Dec 21. I would love to follow someone my own age and see how the progress is going, Good Luck to you!
on 9/24/12 3:20 am - Canada
Topic: 1 week since surgery
Hi everyone.  Well I did it, surgery was last Monday and I am doing great.   I wasn't nervous going in which surprised me because in my 61 years I have never had surgery. I really beleived it was due to the WONDERFULL support from the team in Richmond and my family. I felt very prepared and cared for. How I got in so quickly not sure. Saw Nguyen in May this year for first time got started in program and was so surprised when I got my date. I lost about 18lb. before and because I am still in hotel don't where I am. I see surgen today for the go ahead to go home to Prince george tommorrow can hardly wait. I had no problems hardly any pain and just trying to eat which is hard because  am not hungry. well try and keep you posted. Till next week, take caren Karen
on 9/23/12 3:42 pm
Topic: RE: Will It ever happen?
 Well it is now a two yr wait to get in for the first appt in richmond and it is going to be at least two yrs more to get the surgery with dr tang. Found that out last week.
So, I am done waiting, have done lots of reseaech and have an October 23 surgery date in Mexico for my sleeve. Finally I can be super excited!


on 9/21/12 3:21 pm - Port Moody, Canada
Topic: RE: surgery date
That is awesome, how long did it take you to get it...I see Dr. Nguyen next week.  I have been waiting since 2006 with Dr. Amson and he keeps putting me off and at my last appointment he was very rude to me.  Richmond is closer so will see, I am bringing all my previous tests results, hoping that will help.  I have heard surgery through there can be quick for some and long for others...

Let me know.
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