The Two to Three Remaining Canadian Duodenal Switch (DS) Surgeons
Apparently the only Western Canadian Duodenal Switch (DS) surgeon (Dr. Colqhoun in Saskatoon) is no longer accepting new patients (his waiting list was until recently 4.5 years), but you should all know that he is not the only Canadian DS surgeon.
Although Dr. Douglas Hess of Ohio conceived of the DS, the full procedure was improved upon and modified to its current state of near perfection by Dr. Hess in collaboration with Dr. Picaud Marceau of Laval Quebec and Dr. Baltasar of Spain.
There is also word of a second DS surgeon in Montreal who is now accepting patients, but I have not yet been able to confirm his name.
Dr. Picaud Marceau of Laval Quebec is a professor of Surgery and still accepts new patients, but unfortunately unless you are a Quebec resident you can expect a six year waiting list (Quebec residents get priority and very sick Quebecer's get priority amongst Quebecer's.
I have recently found out that others form BC have successfully been approved for payment and in some case for reimbursement of costs to go to the US for RNY's and for DS's.
I agree that you would be in capable hands with Dr. Marchesini, but when I decided on WLS I gave myself 12 months to fight my provincial insurance to out-of country coverage ten I was going to beg, borrow or steal the money for Dr. Baltisar or Dr. Marchesini then begin the fight for full reimbursement of costs.
Good luck with your decision and your journey and keep posting.
(Formerly of British Columbia)
Duodenal Switch
June 22, 2005
Dr. Marek Lutrzykowski
Bloomfield Hills (Detroit) Michigan