Had my orientation on June 9th !
I am so happy, I finally had my orientation after 2 long years. I have been watching Youtube videos for the past 4 months on the procedures and can't wait to get things rolling. I was a little disappointed with how much longer I may have to wait but I am determined to do everything that is required of me and more!
I went to orientation, two consultations with Dr, nutritionist, had blood tests done, etc. I could not get the damn Apnea test to stay attached properly and so couldn't finish that. Result, Dr. said I would not qualify without it. I like many others have tried everything under the moon but nothing ever lasts.
The whole system in BC is pathetic, MSP is being ripped off as all these specialists get to stick their hands in the obesity cookie jar. The wait is ridiculous too. I had been in the system for 6 months and if she qualified me it was another year wait.
I contacted a friend who went to Mexico because of the BS our system subjects you too.
I sent a request to the same Hospital The ALMATER Hospital in Mexicali Mexico and they sent me medical forms to fill, I filled them and then took them to my GP as he has all my info even the results from the Bariatric program. He checked over it all and said if they need any thing else have them contact his office.
I emailed the forms back and had a confirm surgery date in two weeks, I leave on the 25th and return on the 30th. I don't anticipate any thing going wrong as the surgeon I am assigned has done thousands of VGS surgerys using the latest proceedures.
Anyway I will post post op when I get back.