
Got my date

on 12/4/15 10:19 pm

Hello everyone.

I got the call from Christina at Dr. Lam's office earlier today. My date is January 13th.

To say my head is spinning would be something of an understatement. I feel like there are so many things to do and I don't know where to start. I imagine that this is what it feels like to run a marathon where you are focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Suddenly you can see the finish line, but it takes some time to register what it actually means. 

It is happening. It is actually happening.

Six weeks from today, I will be leaving the hospital. It feels so far away and so close at the same time. 

Until then, I will keep putting one foot in front of the other.


(deactivated member)
on 1/4/16 9:34 am

Congrats on getting your date Daniel88!! Hope th holidays were okay for you and the liquid diet was bearable. A small sacrifice for a lifetime of healthy living. I'm still waiting to hear from my surgeon but see Dr. Z every month until then. Hope all goes well in the 13th, you're so close!! Please let me know how everything goes. 

Take Care :)

(deactivated member)
on 1/12/16 6:18 am

Good luck tomorrow!!

on 1/12/16 7:50 am

Thank you for the well wishes and support.

I am packing up today to catch the ferry tonight. I am full of nerves and excitement. This is going to be amazing.

For anyone wondering, I found the liquid diet really easy to do. One tip if you are getting bored with the diabetic boost is to add a couple of drops of extract flavoring. Orange, coconut, or mint in chocolate. Maple or lemon in vanilla, banana in strawberry. It adds a lot of variety without adding calories or fat. It can help.

I weighed in this morning at 295. My lowest since 1999. Thus time next year, I will be at my high school weight. Hard to imagine.

I'll try to post some updates after surgery. Let everyone know what the other side is like. 

Until then, take care.


on 1/13/16 2:28 pm - Victoria , Canada

Good Luck!

on 3/28/16 1:30 am

Hey Daniel - was wondering how your surgery went and how you're doing?  Hope all is well :) 
