LOOKING for some people going through similar
My file has just gone into the program at RJH. I still have not even been contacted about an orientation. Why do you think it will be at least another year before your surgery? Did they say it would be about 6 months after your assessment?
You are giving me so much hope, even if it is another year, at least you know it's going to happen soon. I pray that you will get in as quickly as possible!
Did they say that you have to lose any weight before the surgery or make any other suggestions?

High W: 265 Surgery W: 208 Current W: 160 Goal W: 135
VSG Surgery May 30, 2017
Nobody told me that I would have surgery in a year I'm just guessing from other peoples experience. At this point I'm just anxiously waiting for my assessment and in the mean time im counting my calories using myfitnesspal app (they suggested this in the orientation) and trying to loose as much as I can to show them that I am dedicated to this. My doctor told me that I should loose 10% of my body weight before they will consider doing surgery on me.
Hi there,
I have waited nearly 4 years...traveling from surrey to the island many times. Finally last year 2015, i was placed in the bariatic program. Since then everything has gone the fastest it ever has. After orientation, I met with carla and Dr.zentner about ever 3 months. I moved up north to prince george..and have still kept all my appts. During that time I also did all assessments like sleep , blood-work . I have completed everything, and now have my surgery consult with dr.Malik in April...Dr. Z has said i will def. be having surgery this year. During this entire process I have never been given a time line...so there is a light!!!!!! Stay dedicated, continue to work on yourself and ur diet as well exercise. After 4 years I almost gave up..And now almost 5 years and many many falls of the band wagon, I am down about 55lbs and almost ready for surgery!!!! The closer I get the more dedicated I have become! Please email me privately if you like! [email protected] :)
So happy for you! Best of luck.

High W: 265 Surgery W: 208 Current W: 160 Goal W: 135
VSG Surgery May 30, 2017
Odette - I think we were in the same orientation session! My wait time has been about the same as yours - it's been a long 4 years. I've been meeting with C and Dr Z every 3 months too (I'm from Courtenay - not nearly as far, lol). I have my surgery consult with Dr. Lam on April 11th ... so great to see things getting closer :)

Well Hello there ! :) was your orientation. June25? I can never forget the date as it was my bday lol so nice to hear it's coming closer!! I have heard after consultations with surgeons .. They usually book surgery within next few months! Courtney is on the island right? But wayyyyy out ? Yah it's quite a treck now that I am up north :)