Went to Mexico :)

on 11/30/12 10:32 am
After all the talk of cut backs in BC this fall, I decided it was time to take control over my health. I researched in October and booked for November. So glad I made the decision to get on with this. Yes, I 'self-paid' but it is worth it :)
on 12/1/12 8:11 am

Congrats, I did the same thing in October.


on 12/1/12 4:49 pm
Shanti, we had the same Doctor. :). My surgery was two weeks ago. How are you finding the adjustment?
on 12/1/12 8:56 am - Canada

           I self paid and went to Montreal!  Best decision ever!!!

on 12/1/12 4:51 pm
You are 5 years post-op! From your post, I see you are doing well :)
on 12/3/12 12:06 pm

Patty I am doing really well. I still have days that I decide I wont lose all my weight and that I will be the one person that the sleeve didn't work for! Good news at the doctors today, my A1c results came back and my blood sugar levels are normal at 5.5. I did not expect that so soon. 

How are you doing?


on 12/3/12 2:58 pm
I am doing great :) Although I am finding it challenging to get enough calories and proteins. At my last weigh-in, I have lost 32 lbs. 14 lbs was on my two week Pre-op diet. I had my A1c done 3 weeks before surgery. It was 6.3. I would love to see what it is at now.
on 12/17/12 6:20 pm

Hi, Where in Mexico did you have your surgery. I had my surgery this morning in Peurto Vallarta with Dr. Joya So far so good. Would love to hear more of your journey:)

on 12/18/12 3:58 am


Good to hear you are feeling good.  I also had my surgery in Puerto Vallarta, at the San Javier Hospital.  I had mine with Dr Alejandro Lopez.  He was great. I had my surgery on Friday November 16.  On Monday I was out shopping for a little while.  On Tuesday and Wednesday I was out doing lots of touring around and shopping.  I have felt great since the surgery.  I just started back on all foods.  Staying away from starchy carbs.  Had salad for the first time last night.  It was great, even though I couldn't eat much of it.  I weighed myself yesterday and I have lost 26 pounds since surgery, plus the 14 pounds pre-op equals 40 pounds gone :)  I haven't been had any head hunger.  I don't struggle with "should I, no I shouldn't" conversations in my head anymore.  There is no more "I'll start the diet tomorrow".  I have no problem baking goodies for Christmas.   I am so glad I had this surgery.  I have no regrets.

Good Luck to you!  You'll do great!

on 4/19/13 2:03 am - Canada

Hi All,

Just ran across this thread, and I do realize that it is several months old now,  but I am THRILLED to hear the encouraging reports.  Patti S - good for you!  I was fighting back tears when I read this quote from you:   "I haven't been had any head hunger.  I don't struggle with "should I, no I shouldn't" conversations in my head anymore.  There is no more "I'll start the diet tomorrow".  I have no problem baking goodies for Christmas.   I am so glad I had this surgery.  I have no regrets."   I want to be sharing that same story a few months from now!

I am having VGS in Mx two weeks from today.  I thought about this for 6 months,  researched this for 4, and then woke up one day a few weeks ago and booked the next available surgery date ... thinking, feeling, "I'm ready" and it's time to "just do it". I am 110% secure in my decision. 

I am writing to you because I have only one "gap" so to speak in my process.  I neglected to consider post surgery support here in BC.   Of course I have a GP,  but other than my family,  it has occurred to me that a support group of some description would be incredibly helpful.  I am wondering if any of you set anything like this up in advance?  Where did you find your post-surgery encouragement, information and support upon your return from Mx.  I live in Victoria BC - haven't found anything that seems to fit this for me. Also,  did you require much follow up here in BC upon your return.  My understanding is that we do not need any special care.  Anything you can share would be so appreciated.




Start Wt: 232  Current Wt: 172  Goal Wt: 160

Surgery Date:  May 5, 2013

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