Where do you buy your vitamins?
My ferritin just would not respond to supplements at all. It has gotten so low that I have had to start taking IV iron tranfusions every 2 weeks just to keep my levels at a normal level. If you haven't got quite that low I recommend Heme Iron such as Proferrin or Bifera. I personally live 2km for the US border so I have a post office box there and have my vitamins shipped there from various US companies such as Vitacost, Vitalady, Celebrate, and Bariatric Advantage. I buy most of my vits from Costco and Wal mart tho,
Abbotsford BC

Abbotsford BC

Thanks for responding. I too have a postal box at Sumas and get most vitamins via Bariatic Choice. My iron is hemo iron. What's the difference between hemo and heme? It''s hemo iron with ferrochel. Apparently you can take it with calcium. I take 1 a day-29mg. I buy Premier RTD protein at Costco in Abby when they have it! Have you had any complications?