
Dr Tang

on 8/30/12 4:07 pm
Anyone had surgery by Dr Tang lately? I am still waiting for my sleeve. First appt was Sept 09


Heather Q.
on 9/1/12 12:41 pm - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Hi !,

I`m sorry that you`ve been waiting that long, how terrible. I haven`t heard many good things about Dr. Tang nor the rest of the Vic bariatric group. I went through the West Coast Bariatric out of Richmond. Absolutely fabulous Dr`s and people.

I started my journey in 2009 but hesitated for a year, hence the delay. I was sleeved on April 10th of this year and reality is, you should have been done by now too. Please may I make a suggestion? Try the one in Richmond, you'll be so much happier and done a heck of a lot sooner to boot! It's only my opinion, but I think everyone who wants it, should have this chance. Look into it, what have you got to loose?

I hope it all works out for you, no matter what you decide!
on 9/3/12 9:37 am
Hi i did ck with west coast but the wait time to get the first appt was at least a year. I really like Dr Tang and am happy there I was just hoping to find out the wait time. I am thinking it could be soon. If I switched Dr's now, that would set me back further. Hiw is your weight loss coming along? Are you pleased?
on 9/11/12 12:14 am - Abbotsford, Canada
I started my journey with Tang in 2008 and had my surgery last May, he is really good (surgery and recovery was fantastic), just found no support after surgery. I found I had to keep calling MJ and check where I was sitting on the list. I don't know if it was because I kept calling them, but I seemed to jump the list (Dec 2010 they said there was about 12 people infront of me,had an appointment with Tang in Feb. and was told not to expect a date till after summer, but I was phoned in March/April 2011 to give me a date for May.)