met Nooshin tonight!

on 4/11/12 3:43 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
 had my first Winning at Losing session tonight. 

I like her - she seems very patient! I really like the fact that she's academic as well as clinical...I have a PhD bias! (in favour of)

Hopefully it will be a good use of my time as opposed to just being something the surgeons want. I was a bit bored tonight as there was no new (to me) information and I hate being told to "buddy up" with someone (although the lady I'm paired with seems really nice and agreed not to phone me but to use email if she wants any outside support - I HATE talking on the phone).

ah well, even if I'm not learning anything new, extra accountability for the changes I need to make is always good!
on 4/12/12 2:12 am - Canada
I find her very nice and supportive as well.  I've also found that if you mess up a little and then get back at it then she tends to be pretty understanding.
on 4/12/12 4:46 am
VSG on 02/06/12
 Yes she's really nice and understanding. 

Oh .. havent confirmed dates for flight but it looks like it'll be on my b-day. 

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 4/12/12 3:26 pm
I was at Garrett Wellness last night aswell for the Changeways course! we were in the next room!

I never had to take Winning at Loosing...but I do hope you can find something useful from it!
on 4/13/12 3:14 am
VSG on 07/18/13
 What's the Changeways course?
on 4/13/12 4:04 am
Its a course about learning to set reachable goals, deal with stress, learn triggers, learn new coping mechanisms etc.
Its been a pretty good course.
on 4/13/12 5:46 am - Coquitlam, BC, Canada
VSG on 08/13/12
 I really like Nooshin so far! Looking forward to the upcoming weeks with her :) In fact, I'm enjoying this whole process with Dr. S, especially after the stress and runaround I've been given with 2 other surgeons I've seen before.  

Tbh, I don't feel like I learnt anything new either, but I think that will come as we go and at the very least, help us get more consistent with what we know and when to apply it :P 
on 4/13/12 11:18 am
VSG on 07/18/13
 hey Serenesis! I figure the course will be worth it for additional accountability...I set a goal of walking at least 10 min every day on my work breaks and today (not at work) I walked a km along the Horseshoe Slough trail here in Richmond...I didn't want to have to explain why I failed on my first goal (lol)!

how did the consult go?

Lilymorg, is the changeways course a pre-op requirement or is that the post op group? Sounds like a good program

I LOVE all the support that's in place for us.  I see all the inconsistent approaches and all the people who seem to get little pre- or post-op support and counselling and I feel bad for them!
on 4/13/12 2:39 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
The changeways course is very helpful.  It is 11 weeks @ 1 night (2 hours) each week, and can be taken by both pre-op & post-op.  Robyn the OT is the person to contact for it.
on 4/13/12 2:42 pm - Coquitlam, BC, Canada
VSG on 08/13/12
 That's great!!! How's the walking feel so far? Lol, my goal is to eat more in general, but veggies especially because I love em but still can't seem to eat enough!!! Both Nooshin and my contact with PAL told me I don't eat nearly enough calories and should almost double my intake...years of doing the Dr. Bernstein diet really messed with me =/  

The consult went great, I love Dr. S so far!! He's the first surgeon I've met (the 3rd I've dealt with) who actually read my chart and had intelligent questions for me and helpful things to say.  I actually felt like he trusted me to be honest, which is a first from others who just assumed I had bad habits to begin with.  He's set me up with a lot of pre-op tests already and I see him again in 6 weeks :) 

I have seen so many people struggle post-op because their pre-op care was lacking...for the first time in years I actually feel like there's a medical team looking out for me, not tossing me in with the masses and hoping I'll float, at the very least.  
             HW: 401 --- 1st Consult: 373 --- SW: 333, lost 68lbs total pre-op!!!

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