on 3/28/12 12:20 pm - Canada
So I am about 4.5 months out from surgery, and today was a massive NSV for me!

I am training to do a 10k race come this fall, and I want to complete 2 half marathons next year... so today on the treadmill I accomplished 20 minutes straight running, and out of a 45 minute workout, 36 minutes were running. TOTAL NSV for me... and one I am proud of.

So guys, let's hear some of your NSV's! 
on 3/29/12 4:43 am - Canada
Congrats!!!  That is a big NSV.  Running is a no go for me but I love to hear about how others that have had this surgery are doing and it seems like so many are taking up running and doing races.

I had a NSV when I went to the lab this morning to get my 6 month bloodwork done.  The woman that came to take my blood has taken my blood for years and she didn't even recognize me sitting in the waiting room!!!!  She was totally shocked at the change in how I look.  Too bad the weight loss hasn't improved my veins any.
on 3/29/12 7:28 am
Awesome job on the running!!

My latest NSV is going to a play on the weekend, and I was so nervous about the seating...Ive been in this audotorium before, and the seating did not work.  So I was planning on just standing in the back.  But I went and sat in a seat, and I fit!!
on 4/3/12 11:05 am - Canada
Brandi That is soooo GOOD!!

way to go

YOU will be running those marathons no problem!!!!

Jaime Wonderful!! It is really nice to not face those kinds of worries anymore...  hey?

As for me,, NSV  hmm well  took a trip to the Sun and nope did not need a seat belt extender

YAY!!!  I am going to be ordering my second set of work uniforms in a couple sizes smaller
in the next week or two...

the most difference I am finding is.... the way people treat you or not even treat you.... but LOOK at you !!! So many times out in public people just would not make eye contact or look away before and now they don`t and sometimes they even will talk to me..... so that is a big change

NSV ?   I think so

Happy that everyone is enjoying all the nsv's

we rock!! keep up the great work ladies!!

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