One day down...

Heather Q.
on 3/27/12 5:35 pm - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Well, I made it through my 1st day of liquid diet, geez, never thought I'd miss bread as much as I do. LOL
Have to keep telling myself why I'm doing this and that this is an important part of the process, so " suck it up buttercup, and deal with it" lol

I'm having my sleeve on April 10th, is there anyone else? If so, do you want to become buddies and support one another? Would love the help and commradery that goes with someone else who's going through this.

Had my last supper/food funeral on Monday with a girlfriend..goodbye sushi rolls, it was good times but I have to move on. Keep telling myself that maybe one day I can still have sashimi. Oh, I hope that's true. BTW, does the food fixation gradually diminish as one goes through liquid diet? If it doesn't, it could be a bit of a long n bumpy ride. Thanks for listening to me vent.

on 3/29/12 7:30 am
liquids are tough....especially the first few days.  But it does get easier, and it is SOOOOOOO worth it! 

I actually know another lady who is having the sleeve surgery by Dr. Nyguen on April 10th aswell!
I will get in touch with her and see if it's alright if I pass her information on to you.  

I'll direct her to this forum aswell...Im not sure she has ever been on it.

Its nice to have a surgery buddy :)
Heather Q.
on 3/29/12 6:19 pm - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Thanks so much for the reply lily!

Yes, please see if your friend is interested, your so right, a surgery buddy would be so welcome. Thanks for the support !   Heather
on 4/2/12 6:21 am - Surrey, Canada
VSG on 04/16/12
Hi Heather,

My surgery date is April 16th - we're pretty close together!  I started my liquid diet today.  I've heard soooo many people say it gets easier...I just want to know when!! :) 

It's interesting to just take notice of my brain and the dialogue going on in there...negative messages and discouraging thoughts that I don't even necessarily notice until I can't just go and grab something to eat, and then...hey!!  What's that?!  "This is too hard", "This is stupid", "What's the point of this anyways!"...It's AMAZING to catch myself with a non-supportive, counter-productive litany resonating between my ears!!  So I've been fighting back, by listing on paper all the things I have to look forward to, all the things I'm going to be able to do, and basically yelling back at those discouraging thoughts to shut them down and counteract them.  And, crazy as I sound, it's working!! 

So...I'm halfway through Day 1...only 13 1/2 more to go!! :) 

I find that staying busy also helps...distracting myself from food and feeling hungry. 

I also think of all the ways I've been strong and fierce and determined in my life, and I think - I'm not going to let THIS beat me - no way!!  It also helps to remind myself that this is not a punishment and it's not about being deprived.  It's about giving myself something priceless, about treating myself well, and about making a BIG decision and making the required steps to get what I want!!  Being well and fit and healthy is what I want - long term - everyday and always!!  Short term, today, right this moment, is there anything worth more than that, that will taste better than that or feel better than that? NO WAY!!  So, I'm stickin' to it. And minute to minute turns into hour to hour turns into one whole day, and then hey - all I've got to do is get up tomorrow morning and do it one more time.  And then one more time.  And then...that surgery date is even closer!!  And, a new way of thinking and acting has already begun.

Welcome to a day in the life of my brain!! :)

So how are you doing so far??
Heather Q.
on 4/2/12 11:50 am - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
HI Jill,

Nice to meet you! I'm half way through my day 7 of liquid diet. All I can tell you is what I've gone through so far, ok?

The first 3 days were brutal..I mean BRUTAL!   I was food obsessed, hungry and a tad cranky. Like you, I thought why am I putting myself through this? Well, maybe if I have a little nibble it won't matter ( never did, by the way),..etc.  I too, had to have a long, hard talk with myself. Basically, you need to do this, you chose this, you CAN do this, and just suck it up buttercup!

I found after the second day, my appetite dropped drastically, mostly because of the unappealing food choices I had. I still can't stomach oatmeal, nor the lowfat/no sodium chicken broth (YUCKI!) I eat my other choices so I can keep up my energy. By the 4th day, I was adjusting and the food obcession waned. I did and still do find it easier, though I'm probably eating only about 1000 to 1100 calories. I have lost weight but I have no idea how much as I don't own a scale, so I have to wait and see Nooshin to find out. I've still got an appetite for the wrong things, unfortunately. I could easily put away a few pieces of sushi if i could get away with it.
I just refuse to go there and jeopardize all I've worked towards.
Did someone inform you of the gurgling tummy and other delightful gastro-intestinal issues you will face? If not, consider yourself warned, and yes, it's normal. Your body is detoxing and pushing all the garbage out, along with the above issues you can look forward to perpetual bad breath ..YIKES I haven't figured out a good way to deal with that yet as brushing nor mouthwash seems to work well for me....:(

Your attitude is great! Yes, I too am doing this for my health and to get my life back, and constant mental reminders of what a great opportunity we're being given, will keep us focused. We're worth this, we are awesome people and we deserve this! Your stead fast belief your worth all this will keep you on the straight n you go girl!

So, all that said. I'm doing well, though on the 5th day, I hit the wall and have noticed a huge drop in energy. I power down quick now, so I eat my yogurts/applesauce at intervals so's to keep on doing what I'm doing. Drink your water..helps fill you up and keep headaches at bay!

Hopefully, that was of some help, but talk to me anytime. I'll respond a.s.a.p.

Be well and stay focused. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
on 4/3/12 2:09 pm - Surrey, Canada
VSG on 04/16/12
Hello again -

I'm nearing the end of 'Day 2' pre-op liquid diet today and WOW!!   Today was soooo much easier than yesterday!!  I kept hearing from people that 'it gets easier' - and it did!!  I didn't expect it to after only one day!! :)  There's a snarky little voice in my head whispering, "Well maybe tomorrow will be the HARDEST ONE YET!!!".  Lol...what are ya gonna do?!  Not to sound too cliche, but...'One day at a time'! :)  I actually had to make an effort to get everything on my food plan list in today. 

So - what are my chances for tomorrow?! :)

It was interesting to read that you hit a wall on the 5th day...

I'm trying not to think "I have to do this for 12 MORE DAYS!!!" and instead think - "I've just got to do this again tomorrow". 

How are you??

Heather Q.
on 4/3/12 2:36 pm - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Hey Jill!

I'm doing well, coming to the end of day 7, just one more week to go! I still have struggles with wanting regular food, especially if my family is eating, however, I try to just disappear and do something else. I think my body is just really missing protein right now, but it depends on the day, some are easier, some are tougher. I think I'm a tough streak right now. I'll do this..:)

I'm glad to hear your doing well, and keep doing what your day at a time. If you look too far ahead, it becomes daunting. Keep your positive will serve you well.

Take care & stay in contact :D

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