Drs Sampath & Nguyen - wait list & abdomioplasty cost

on 3/24/12 2:02 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
 yeah, I'm happy about the level of support I'll be getting...and like Dr Freedhoff was telling me, this time gives me the opportunity to really cement changes and learn to like protein-dense foods.

(that's one of my biggest problems - I've never been fond of protein rich foods like meat, but I never went vegetarian because I also dislike meat substitutes!)

I knew breast reduction was covered where medically indicated, wasn't sure about panni.  I'm still not sure about panni, even if covered - most times you lose your navel and while I don't need it, it does provide a handy road map in the dark...*lol*

on 4/12/12 9:24 am - Surrey, Canada
On March 24, 2012 at 12:11 PM Pacific Time, lilymorg wrote:
The program with Dr. Sampath/Nguyen is great, and its support for a life time.  I know a few people who have gone to the US, or self pay, and they do not have the kind of support that this program is offering.  It is worth the wait.  Also, at my last appointment with Dr. Sampath, he said they have recently added a plastic surgeon to the team, and the pani removal & breast reduction/lift is covered by BC Medical.   So that's cool too!! :)
I thought the surgeon had to get pre approval for the panni and that was only if you had medical problems because of it?
My friend who had surgery 4 years ago and lost 200 lbs had to go to Duncan, and the surgeon wanted her to quit smoking and loose another 50 lbs first.

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