Drs Sampath & Nguyen - wait list & abdomioplasty cost

on 3/20/12 8:44 am
VSG on 07/18/13
 stopped into their office today to make sure my referral had been rec'd and to confirm the waitlist - it is about a year to first consult. I know someone her already said that but I was hoping it was wrong!

they do have my referral - had a really nice chat with the receptionist, tried to impress upon her that living and frequently working in Richmond means I'm available for last minute cancellations...

I doubt it will help, but it was worth a shot.

Ugh - I don't want to wait a year, although it does give me time to save for the post-weight loss plastics (or tropical vacation if plastics aren't needed)

While I was at my plastic surgeon's office today I asked the office manager about abdominoplasty costs (he doesn't do panniculectomies) - its about $12000 including taxes and overnight stay at Cambie Surgery...
on 3/21/12 10:21 am - Canada
last minute cancellations certainly do happen.. so its good that you let her know you are available.

we have a Plastic Surgeon as part of our team...
HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 3/21/12 1:41 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
 yeah, I did know about the surgeon, but I've already broken this one in *grin*

(he's done both my carpal tunnel surgeries)

I'm going to try to make the best use of the wait to start easing into new habits - I already journal, but I need to start getting more protein & water, and this gives me time to get a referral to the physiotherapists at the Arthritis centre...plus stuff like going go Garratt Wellness!

on 3/23/12 2:28 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
Dr Nguyen already mentioned I'll be needing skin removal at last visit. He's right too, all that skin is heading south and couple other areas are deflating.. fast LOL

Not sure but I believe it's Coastal Plastic Surgery & Dr Owen Reid.

West Coast Bariatric Surgery Centre Program - VSG, February 6/12, Richmond, BC



on 3/22/12 5:54 am - Richmond, Canada
That is why I went self pay at Cambie as I wanted my life back! I have gone from 46 BMI to 26 1 year later & 108 lbs! 15-25 lbs from goal. Cambie also has financing. Any questions don't hesitate to ask. Good luck!

on 3/22/12 10:00 am
VSG on 07/18/13
 thanks, but I don't think they do VSG, do they?

I'd rather wait for funded surgery anyway - I don't consider my life to be at a standstill, nor do I think I need this urgently. My BMI is much higher than yours, but I have no comorbidities, so I can manage to wait.

the time before consult will give me time to get myself into the right mindset - I was chatting with Dr Yoni Freedhoff of the Bariatric Medical Institute in Ottawa the other day and he believes that the biggest predictor of post-surgical success is adopting the habits before surgery...so I think a wait will be quite a good thing for me.
on 3/22/12 4:10 pm
VSG on 07/18/13
Sorry kiskis - I just realized that sounded kinda *****y - I'm sorry!

blame it on the painkillers - I recently had hand surgery and it still hurts, plus until I'm fully healed I can't take all my arthritis meds, so I'm soooooooooo cranky.
on 3/22/12 5:36 pm - Surrey, Canada
VSG on 04/16/12
Definitely adopting/practicing the strategies starting now is a great idea!!  It can feel like a very long, torturous process, but hang in there - it is worth it!!

Good luck to you on your journey!!
Jillian. :)
on 3/23/12 10:14 am - Richmond, Canada
Nikkal - no worries :).

Cambie Surgery does VS.
on 3/24/12 5:11 am
The program with Dr. Sampath/Nguyen is great, and its support for a life time.  I know a few people who have gone to the US, or self pay, and they do not have the kind of support that this program is offering.  It is worth the wait.  Also, at my last appointment with Dr. Sampath, he said they have recently added a plastic surgeon to the team, and the pani removal & breast reduction/lift is covered by BC Medical.   So that's cool too!! :)
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