Nerves about consultation

on 3/20/12 6:20 am - Kamloops, Canada
Off to see Dr Malik in Victoria tomorrow.  I am anxious.  I am worried that he will say I am not committed enough or not a candidate.  I am worried that he will send me away to lose a ton of weight and I won't be able to.  I am worried that if I do get the surgery, I will let myself down and not take care of myself.  Once again, I am imagining the worst before anything even happens. 
I keep thinking of myself as "unique" or "special" and that it won't work for me.  That is such a flaw in my thinking.  I am trying hard to embrace the positive.
I even make excuses/ worry that if I start restricting or altering my diet that my blood sugars will be impacted.  Meanwhile, I am on a fairly high dose of insulin twice a day. 
Has anyone else had these worries or anxieties?  If so, how did you deal with them?
on 3/22/12 5:57 am - Richmond, Canada
It took me 1 year to go for a consult. I was anxious and nerviuos that I would be rejected. Now 1 year later after being banded my BMI from 46 to 26 & 108 lbs lighter. I am about 15-25 lbs to goal. Good luck in your journey but you are not alone.

on 3/22/12 5:31 pm - Surrey, Canada
VSG on 04/16/12
Just read this post now - you've had your appointment - how did it go??

Worries and anxieties with this are normal!!  BUT - they are not helpful.  I have found for myself that reading through all the posts here is very helpful...makes me realize I'm not alone in this AND it also provides me with good information.  For me - positive action and information help allay the negative stuff, like worries and anxiety.

The surgery is NOT the magic fix-it-all - we DO have to take control and ownership of ourselves, but you CAN do it.  Everybody here has learned or is learning how and you can too.

Good luck!!  Wishing you wel!! :)


on 3/24/12 5:18 am
How did your appointment go?

When I first started my weightloss sugery journey, I saw Dr. Malik, and the appointment did not go well.  (I do know of others who have gone with him and had no problems). 

All your worries and concerns are totally normal. 
It's all these head games that we play with ourselves.

I know with Dr. Sampaths program, there is an Occupational Therapist who we can talk to about all this kind of stuff.  And they have some group courses & 1 on 1 sessions that really do help.  Im not sure if Dr. Malik has these kind of things aswell...but might be something to look into.
on 3/27/12 2:41 am - Kamloops, Canada
Thanks so much!  My appt with Dr Malik was as I anticipated.  Short and stern.  Luckily I had done my research and was aware of his mannerisms at the consultation stage.

I have a BMI of 57, so he mentioned doing the sleeve as part of a 2 part surgery.  Interesting.  I have to go back and see him in 6 months.  I hope to be down significantly.  We shall see!!!
on 3/30/12 11:01 am - Surrey, Canada
VSG on 04/16/12
Wishing you all the best!! 

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." Walter Elliott

Don't give up!!  Keep at it!  You CAN do it!!
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