Not sure if I trust Dr. Sampath? And Smoking Cessation.

on 3/16/12 12:02 pm
Hi Everyone,

I'm just wondering if there are other smokers out there going through the Bariatric Surgery assessment process with Dr. Sampath?  Basically, I'm not sure I'm getting the correct info from him.  His rules have changed since I first started seeing him in fall 2011, including the stop-smoking thing.  The first time I saw him I told him I was a smoker and he shrugged and said it would be a good idea to quit, but seemed relatively ambivalent.  Now I'm being told I'll be put through a urine test and an over-night sleep study to confirm I've stopped smoking.  Is anyone else going through this with him?  I'm not sure if he really has my best interests in mind.

For example:
He has consistently given me conflicting information
He has forgotten to put thru referrals two and three times, delaying this process by over 3 months
He obviously doesn't read my file before my appointments and asks questions that should be on page one of my file.
He is unfriendly to my family.
He has NEVER been on time for an appointment and has not once apologized, or thanked me for my time.

The PAL people and other members of his team have been great.  But, Sampath is the one who will be cutting me open.  I am not sure he is someone I can trust.  I need this surgery, and I know I'm ready for it (all the other members of his team seem to think so) but I feel like he doesn't actually care about me.  Like he's too important to care.  Am I wrong in expecting him to at least appear like he cares?  Is he someone I can trust with a scalpel and my naked body?

So I guess that's two questions:
What are other smokers' experinces like with Sampath?
Can I trust him?

Thanks, friends!
on 3/17/12 1:38 am - Canada
VSG on 06/11/12
I'm in the process of being worked up for bariatric surgery with Dr. Sampath as well. My experience has been the complete opposite of what you are explaining. I don't smoke but it was made clear by him on my first appointment that if I did the expectation was to quit.  Yes, he has been late for my last appointment but I must be honest, he isn't the first doctor to have an office that is running behind schedule that I have experienced. I have found his information clear, concise and consistent with me.  He remembered things we had discussed at my first appt during my most recent appt last week.  My referrals have all run smoothly and I have the utmost faith in his skills as a surgeon.
I'm sorry your experience has not been as positive but for myself I feel that I am in very good hands in choosing Dr.Sampath as my bariatric surgeon.
Best of luck.
on 3/17/12 3:30 am - Canada
I'm sorry you're not having the experience that you want.  I have had a really good experience with him and would fully trust him to do any surgery that I require.  I do know of a few other patients of his that have not had the best experiences with him, but it seems that most of his patients are happy with him and his approach.

I think that for most of my appointments he has been at least a little behind.  I always just assumed that it was because he was taking his time and being thorough and answering questions, I know that he's always given me lots of time to ask questions.

I'm not a smoker either (I had quite a few years before seeing him), but he did make it clear to me at my first experience that any of his patients that smoke are required to quit prior to surgery.  It really is to make this surgery as safe as possible that this is required.  I also believe that since he is getting so busy he is expecting his patients to show that they can commit to all of the things that he is asking so that he knows he is operating on someone that is likely to succeed.  He has told me that he has refused to do this operation on patients that come to him and are obviously not ready to make the required changes.
on 3/17/12 11:08 am - Canada
Several people have used him for their surgeries and they seem to come through all right.  So, if you are concerned about the actual surgery, I don't think that should be any problem.

Sometimes people just don't click.  Don't worry too much about it as long as you can get it done.  I don't have any support here as I was done OOC, so I use the web to find the support I need/want and also I go to monthly meetings.  It's enough for me and hopefully you will be able to find support through other sources.

Did you know that if you go through HealthLink BC (phone 8-1-1) and register with them, you get three months' free smoking cessation items, such as the nicotine patch?

Give them a call and discuss it with one of the nurses; they are a valuable resource!  BTW, they are licensed nurses and can triage and answer pretty well any questions you can put past them on ANY medical procedure.  
on 3/24/12 5:26 am
Im not a smoker either, so I can't help you with that question.

But I did have a reaction with the anesthetic that made breathing really difficult after surgery.  And I think if I had been a smoker, that reaction would have been way worse.  So I do think it is in your best interest for safety to quit as far before surgery as possible.  I know not everyone has reactions, but you never know what could happen.

As for Dr. Sampath, he has rubbed me the wrong way a few times aswell. 
But overall, I am happy with him.  He performed my surgery and says he will do life-long follow up care which is what I want.  I dont want to have the surgery and then be booted out and never see the surgeon again.  I like being held accountable to someone.

And all doctors seem to run late.  My last appointment with Dr. Sampath he was 45 minutes late. However my last appointment with my GP he was over an hour late.  It is extremely frustrating, I get that.  But I wouldn't let that change going through this process.  It is all totally worth it!  And I would do it again in a second.
on 8/13/12 9:47 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada

Did you get your surgery date yet?  Hoping all is better for you now and that you are doing well.

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