New to it all

on 2/14/12 6:00 am - Kamloops, Canada
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and have decided I am going to go ahead with WLS.  I have an appt next month with Dr. Malik. 
What I am struggling with is some of my friends who seem so opposed to it.  They are telling me I can lose the weight without surgery and are pushing me to try fad diets and join commercial weight loss programs.  It reaks havoc on my brain, because I am still nervous and unsure about it all.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
Linda R.
on 2/14/12 1:53 pm - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Hi there I may not be wise but I have been there.  The key is to remember why you are doing this. Also do your research, to combat the scare tactic responses.  Point out the psycological downfall of fad diets as well as the fact that they do not last or provide the proper nutrition.

By do not last I mean once stopped the weight comes back.

also  check out a WLS support group.
Kamloops Support Group meets 5PM every third Wed of the month at Frick and Frack on 6th and Victoria St. Everyone is welcome. The contact person is Sharon. Her email is [email protected]

They will  give you insight to what to expect and how to deal.

Hope this helps.

on 2/15/12 2:58 am - Kamloops, Canada
Hi Linda,

Thanks so much.  I actually have been coming to the support group on Wed.  My name is Beth (if you were there, you probably remember me).  The group has been helping a lot.  I will only be there for a bit tonight as I am double booked. 

on 2/14/12 3:02 pm - Canada

Hello and welcome!!!!!!  I am in Kamloops as well.  Definately come to our support group meetings, it is a fabulous group of ladies in all stages of the WLS journey, some just starting to investigate the possibilities and others that had the surgery years ago.  I also found that many of the people that found out of my decision to have this surgery were very negative about it.  Most of the negativity seemed to be routed in people that were misinformed or lacked knowledge about this surgery at all.  I did find that once I corrected the misinformation and explained to them that this was my decision and that I had made my decision based on good information that they backed off.  One of the facts about being obese is that many can loose the weight, but few can keep it off.  I do not know about you, but I was so tired of the yo-yo dieting and wanting something that had a good success at giving positive long-term results.  I was also doing this because I needed to do something to improve my health as everyday I was scared that I was going to die and leave my 2 young kids with no mother.

Best of luck to you and definately keep posting if you have more questions or concerns.  Hope that see you at the support group meetings (I will not be there for the meeting tomorrow as I have to go to Richmond for some post-op follow-up appointments).

on 2/15/12 3:03 am - Kamloops, Canada
Hi Jayna!  It is beth - I just signed in by a different name. I have been coming to the group meetings (well 2 at least).  I will only be there for a bit tonight as I have another appointment.  I hope you are doing well with your post op. 

I like your perspective.  I think I just need to surround myself more with like minded people.  Some people will never understand and I have to figure out a way to deal with that. 

My diabetes has been getting worse and I have to take control of the situation.  One thing I am struggling with now is making health food choices and writing it all down.  Also exercise.  I am a little nervous about meeting Dr Malik as I need to get motivated to do the work needed.

Anyways, good luck in Richmond and I hope to see you soon!
on 2/15/12 10:26 am - Canada
Hi Beth!!!  I am doing great so far!!!  There is no doubt that making the changes to diet and exercise that will allow you to succeed at this surgery are hard.  I found that the easiest thing to do was to commit to just one change for one day. So for example, I would commit to myself to go for a walk for just that day and then every day I would either commit to either that again or another change (such as to eat so many servings of fruit or vegetables that day).  If you need help or encouragement with getting started with exercising then you could give the wonderful people at the PAL line a call.

We will have to get together for coffee soon.
on 2/15/12 1:34 pm - Richmond, Canada

Dog lover,

People have many opinions. I didn't tell many people before I was banded 1 year ago as I didn't want the lectures. My family din't even know. Now I have amazing support 100 lbs later! It saved my life!

Good luck!

on 2/23/12 12:44 pm
as i was looking for surgeons I came across this support group and thought someone may be able to help me with my questions or even my thoughts. I was in today to talk to my doctor to start the referral process and when he asked me what I knew about this type of surgery I realized I don't know much. I have struggled with my weight for a number of years and I am not happy with myself. I have bad knees and after 2 doctors have told me to lose weight I now  believe I have to do something for me. I have tried a few different programs but I really had not been successful and I will say I have not been disciplined enough to follow a program and time always got in the way (excuses I know). I need people who understand and ones who can help me with my journey to a new life. What I have been reading from the postings it appears that everyone has been happy with their decisions and I know i will be too. I guess I need to know where do I go from here. 
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