Delay of Surgery

Linda R.
on 12/19/11 2:10 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Well went for all my pre op tests, Dr. You heard a slight murmur, but said it shouldn't cancell my appointment.But he wanted a stress test and heart mapping done.  Everything else went well.
Now my GP here has gotten me an appointment for this thursday for my echo cardiogram,  But it looks like they wont be able to do a stress test until January 9,2012, which is supposed to be my surgery date.  Now Dr. You says they will have to postpone my surgery.   I am not feeling very happy right now because of this.  I was so up for this, now I feel so sad and I'm tryig to hold iot together.
Linda R.
on 12/19/11 5:45 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
oh joy good news the DR here is doing a push for me to get the stress test done. hopefully it will be all done by thursday.
on 12/19/11 6:37 am - Canada
Good luck!!!!  I hope they are able to get your tests done and your surgery goes as planned.
Linda R.
on 12/19/11 8:40 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Well now I found out( because the hospital called me) that they gave my surgery date away.  After I have the heart test done then they'll see when they can get me in for surgery.

Needless to say I'm not happy, but what can I do.

on 12/20/11 5:39 pm
VSG on 02/06/12
 Linda I am so sorry they gave away your date. Hopefully It won't be to long afterwards until its reset.
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