anybody coming up with Dr Nguyen for surgery? urgent!!

Laney B.
on 11/30/11 10:04 am
 anybody with surgery coming up with DR Nguyen? want to trade? my date is on Dec 12th, but had to cancel coz i'm sick, do let me know :)
on 11/30/11 10:21 am
VSG on 02/06/12
Im sorry you are sick and had to cancel. 
on 12/1/11 9:30 am
Sorry to hear that! i have the same problem diffrent Doctor (Sampath) but in Feb, that would have solved my problem too! good luck!
Laney B.
on 12/1/11 10:59 am
 really? i'm finding it strange that nobody wants an earlier surgery date haha
on 12/2/11 5:55 am - Abbotsford, Canada
I'm not sure what you are sick with, but at the time of my surgery I had strept throat, and was pretty sick the week before the surgery . I phoned them hoping I wouldn't have to cancel (because I had to be on meds prior to surgery), and they said it wouldn't be an issue, and everything went well in the end. Hope you feel better and go ahead with your date if you can!!
Laney B.
on 12/2/11 8:18 am
 Thanks Rhonda, mine is more digestive tract probs, so surgeon already cancelled me :( i think i might just take it as a sign i shouldn't get the surgery
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