Another Hospital Stay

on 11/20/11 11:00 am - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Well I guess 15 days in Richmond Hospital after my RNY on October 3rd was not enough for me.  I just got home from Richmond after ending up in ER, for another 4 day stay.  I spent several days with nausea, & then the wretched  vomit started, along with severe pain.  It was suspected that I had another internal hernia obstructing my bowel.  After many tests and more than a day in the ER, it was discovered that I did not need another surgical repair, THANK GOD!  After many tests, xrays, & a CT scan, it finally showed a pus filled sac in my belly, below the original internal hernia repair/bowel obstruction, but that was not the cause of the pain.  It turned out that the pain was from an infection in the small bowel, on my left side, slightly below my belly button.  By the time I got to the ER, my kidneys were shutting down because I had become very dehydrated, and my magnesium levels were extremely low.  But after four days of isolation, plus IV fluids, magnesium,  2 killer antibiotics (to target both infections), and bed rest, I am finally back home with a week's supply of all the antibiotics, to get rid of the infections.  So back to the beginning with clear fluids and now full fluids for another couple of weeks.  Oh well, it could have been worse, so I do feel lucky.
Barb Friesen
on 11/20/11 11:16 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Man a rough time for you!! Well so glad they found the root of your trouble!! Boy you are lucky that figured it out before your kidneys completely shut down, how scary!! Please keep us updated.
on 11/20/11 1:25 pm - Canada
Oh wow!!!!  You certainly have had a rough time since surgery.  I hope that you're finally on the mend and will be feeling like a new woman in no time.  Keep us posted on how you're doing.
Linda R.
on 11/25/11 12:08 am - Prince George, Canada
VSG on 02/20/12
Sorry to hear things not going so well Barb.  I will Pray that this is the last of fthe problems for you.

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