Finally home after surgery!!

on 11/18/11 12:17 pm - Canada
I finally got home today after my surgery on Monday, I had mine right before lilymorg did, and have been really lucky to get to know her during this time.

I had my gallbladder removed at the same time, so I was in surgery for a little longer than the 3 hours, which had my husband and the rest of my family a bit worried something was wrong. Surgery went by fine, they had to insert an a-line (I think that's what it is called) because the blood pressure cuff wasn't staying, and they wanted to make sure to have my blood pressure correct. I didn't have to go to ICU, but ended up really sick on the Tuesday in the hospital. I couldn't move without throwing up, and nothing they were giving me in the IV helped. So I ended up staying in the hospital until Thursday, so the nurses could make sure I could keep something down. My stomach is a bit tender where the drain was, and sleep was more or less impossible, as I was getting up every few hours to go pee.

What I realised though, is a good shower, and finally farting are 2 things I will never again take for granted. I had to do 3 victory laps around the floor once I was able to pass gas, and finally get rid of some of the pressure. VERY thankful the gas didn't go into my shoulders, and was mostly in my gutts. I stayed an extra night in Richmond at a hotel with my Mom, and my husband came to get me today, and brought me home. 

My stomach is still a bit tender where the drain was, only because of all the nausea, and my wrists are completely bruised and swollen, but other than that I feel great. We managed a 2km walk around our complex today, and have set that as my standard. I feel very thankful to have had this chance, and look forward to the next part of my life.
on 11/19/11 1:48 am - Canada
Congrats on your surgery!!!!  Welcome to the looser's bench!!!  Can't wait to hear how the rest of your journey goes.  Rest up and take care of yourself, Jayna
on 11/19/11 4:23 am - Canada
Well done... and you have so much good stuff to look forward to that any of the sickness in hospital, etc. will soon pale by comparison as the weight and inches start sliding away.
Best wishes and make sure to post some of you victories, scale and non-scale varieties as others just love to read them!
Quien quiera pescado que se moje el culo
Dec. 2010 weight 355, surgery weight 292 Current weight 199
on 11/19/11 6:03 am - Canada
Welcome home!

on 11/19/11 1:24 pm - Abbotsford, Canada
So glad you are on the mend and getting out to walk! Good Job!!
on 11/19/11 2:08 pm
Yay we are both onto the next part of this journey!!

Ive been lucky to get to know you aswell. For some reason I thought we would be put side by side in the hospital, and be doing laps around the wards together. But thats sooo not how it happened. Can't believe I didn't see you once!

Glad you are home, and good job on the walking! thats amazing that you can go that far! Im still working on very small walks.
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