what to bring to the hospital (Richmond)

on 11/2/11 6:32 am
 So for those that had surgery in Richmond, what did you bring with you?

Are we allowed to have our cell phones?  Is there a place to plug the charger in?

Ive seen some "what to bring" lists that are really big...and others that are really small...

Richmond is a few hours away from home, so Id like to have whatever I will need available..
on 11/2/11 7:38 am - Abbotsford, Canada
My hubby kept my phone while I had surgery, then gave it to me fully charged so I wouln't have to worry about charging it. The only thing I actually used in the hospital was the chapstick. I brought magazines but found I was too sleepy to concentrate on anything. I brought an mp3 player which was nice and I should of brought earplugs. I needed them so I could get a good sleep, too many beeps during the night from all the machines can keep you awake. If I had thought of it I would have brought some sugar free jello incase food from hospital wasn't appropriate.
on 11/2/11 1:43 pm - Burnaby, BC, Canada
You do not need much.  You will always be given an extra gown to wear backwards instead of a dressing gown/robe.  Bring personal items like toothbrush/paste or mouth wash, & hair brush or comb. You do not need soap or shampoo because there is soap available, and you won't be allowed to shower until after you get out of hospital.  If you bring anything of value, you may lose it during your stay.  The only thing of "Value?" that I brought was 4 quarters, in case I wanted to make a phone call.  Well, those were stolen from my bag during my stay.  I was there for 15 days, in either ICU or Isolation (which was always a private room) so it must have been taken during the night while I was asleep, I don't know, only guessing, but who knows how many times my bag was checked for anything of  value, which I really did not have with me.  I found that my magazines and book did not get read because I was too tired or busy trying to build up my strength by walking around my room. 
on 11/2/11 3:22 pm
 Well that's unfortunate that your quarters were stolen.  Makes me worried about bringing my cell phone.  However, I can't imagine NOT having my cell phone either.  I will have to do some thinking about this!  
on 11/2/11 3:28 pm - Canada
I took my cell with me and had it in my bag.  Once I was on the regular ward I pulled it out and contacted a few people.  My roomie on the telemetry unit was using his.  I just plugged it into the outlet on the wall to charge it.  No one said anything at all about it and there were others in the room using their cells as well.  I did read my book for short periods but usually after a couple of pages I would fall asleep.  I also used the chapstick and I did shower before I went home and had just brought a small bag with sample sizes of body wash, shampoo and conditioner (I find hospital soap to be too drying).  I did bring a pair of pj's with me but with the drain in just never used them.  Oh, definately bring some non-slip slippers with you to the hospital, they will give you some non slip socks but I found them really uncomfortable.  Oh and bring any medications you are taking, for me I take a few meds that the hospital didn't stock and so they had to use my own stuff.  Only other thing I brought was my cpap machine and definately needed that.

Good luck to you, it's coming up so fast!!!!!!
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