Richmond Hospital Visitors

on 10/31/11 9:49 am
 I was wondering if anyone can tell me some info about Richmond Hospital visitors??

Is there specific visiting hours?  
can family come anytime?

on 10/31/11 11:34 am - Canada
 think they are 10 till 8

not sure about family

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 10/31/11 2:15 pm - Canada
 Yup, they're 10am-8pm.  I think for family they may make an exception depending on the patients condition.  I know that when I was in the hospital after my surgery there was family of one of the other people in my room there at all hours.  Honestly, to allow you time to rest and heal the visiting hours that they have will probably be more than enough, I could not imagine having someone with me all the time all day, but that's just me.  There was also family of one of the other patients on the floor that slept over in the TV room, but I think that was pretty extreme and his condition was pretty serious.
on 11/1/11 9:50 am - Canada
 You surgey is scheduled for the day before my next appt. with Nooshin, if you are up to it and would like I could come for a short visit.  I just need either your last name or a cell # to text you at to find out where you are (you can pm these to me if you like).

on 11/2/11 6:29 am
 Jayna,  I gave you my cell number on facebook :)
You can certainly text or call and see how its going.
on 11/2/11 3:18 pm, edited 11/2/11 3:19 pm - Canada
yup, had a giant brain fart!!!!  figured it out after i posted that, sorry!!!
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